l. Biological characteristics Red-snow crayfish grows in northern Australia, adapting to the tropical habits, able to endure high temperatures, the growth of the water temperature range between 21-32 °C, the optimum temperature of 24-29 °C, less than 21 °C, feeding Decline, growth rate decreased, below 10 °C, almost stopped growing. In the suitable growth period of 5-6 months in a year, the individual specifications can grow to 60-120 grams, the edible part accounts for about 30% of the total weight, and the specifications and out-feed rate are more than double that of other crawfish species. the above.
Red-claw is resistant to hypothermia but also to hypoxia. Under normal conditions, the dissolved oxygen in the pool is more than 3ppm. Adult shrimp can tolerate 1 ppm of dissolved oxygen. Young shrimp are relatively sensitive to low dissolved oxygen. Furthermore, it can withstand non-ionic ammonia concentrations of 1 ppm or more and nitrite concentrations of 0.5 ppm in short-term. Hardness and alkalinity 20-300ppm, pH 6.59.
Red-claw crayfish has a wide range of dietary habits, including plant crumbs, as well as soybean cakes, barley, grasses, miscellaneous fish and compound feeds.
Clam crayfish can be cultured in high density, and even at a density of 60 animals per square meter, their cannibalism rate is very low. Shrimp does not have hole-making habits. Usually, only shallow holes or short holes are dug in the bottom of the pond. Therefore, it will not cause harm to the pond. 2. Propagation and hatching Red-handed crayfish typically reach sexual maturity between 6 and 12 months of age and weighs between 30 and 90 grams. The large chela extension of the sexually mature male shrimp has a distinct red or yellow markings, and a pair of papillary reproductive spines at the base of the five pairs of walking feet. The female shrimp has a pair of gonopores at the base of the third pair of stepped feet.
Female shrimp do not breed spawns during shelling. Each sexually mature female shrimp spawns between 100 and 1,000 eggs each time depending on its size and health. The number of eggs spawned for the first time is smaller than the amount of spawns afterwards. After the first spawning females are born again, an average of about 6 eggs per gram of shrimp can be produced.
Sperm matured red-claw crayfish will naturally reproduce when the water temperature is above 21°C, but the survival rate of this type of breeding shrimp is very low, because the juvenile shrimp will appear to be killed in the case of insufficient food, so the survival rate Only 5-10%. The most effective and economical method is indoor breeding and nursery. The specific method; the end of the fall of the sexually mature broodstock according to a certain male and female than the release hatch pool, winter breeding. In order for the broodstock to achieve a good reproductive status, it should: (l) choose healthy, sexually mature adult shrimp; (2) maintain a suitable water temperature; (3) maintain good water quality; l (4) provide balanced nutrition; (5 ) Remove the spawning shrimp from the breeding pond in time. The broodstock hatching pond is rectangular in shape, with an area of ​​160-210 square meters, a water depth of 30-90 centimeters, or a round hatchery with a diameter of about 4.5 meters and a depth of 30-45 centimeters. Before stocking, broodstock should be washed with bleach to kill microorganisms, eggs of harmful organisms, and algae, and then rinse the residual medicine with clean water and then use filtered water to grow seedlings. Before entering the hatchery, broodstock should be soaked with salt solution 1000-2000ppm or formalin solution 15-25ppm to prevent germs from entering. The broodstock stocking density is 10-20/m2, and the ratio of male to female is generally 3:1. Pool water temperature of 24-29 °C, warm water temperature and longer light time can increase the proliferation of red-claw crayfish.
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