After thorough investigation by our country’s experts, Keshan disease is endemic in many provinces and regions in the northeast, north China, and northwest, supplementing selenium salt can control the incidence of Keshan disease. According to a foreign expert's analysis of cancer mortality in the 27 countries and the selenium intake in the country, the results showed that the levels of selenium in diets such as intestinal, prostate, breast, ovarian, and lung cancers and leukemia were significantly different. The negative correlation is that the intake of selenium is low and the corresponding cancer incidence is high. It has also been found that the selenium content in blood is related to the poor condition. Many data confirm that selenium is an anti-cancer factor. In addition, selenium can also promote the body's immune system, but also a strong antioxidant. However, excessive amounts are harmful to humans.
The daily supply of adult selenium is estimated at 50 micrograms. In general, sesame and malt contain the most selenium. In addition, yeast, eggs, seafood, kidneys, and liver contain more selenium than meat. Brown rice, standard powder, mushrooms, and garlic are rich in selenium. Chinese cabbage, pumpkin, oranges, and bananas also contain a certain amount of selenium.
The daily supply of adult selenium is estimated at 50 micrograms. In general, sesame and malt contain the most selenium. In addition, yeast, eggs, seafood, kidneys, and liver contain more selenium than meat. Brown rice, standard powder, mushrooms, and garlic are rich in selenium. Chinese cabbage, pumpkin, oranges, and bananas also contain a certain amount of selenium.