Otsuka, commonly known as the giant salamander, is a national second-class aquatic wildlife protection, a key agricultural development and special agricultural development; it is a species of wildlife genetic protection. For more than two decades, giant salamanders have not yet achieved large-scale reproduction. In this regard, we have conducted in-depth studies of the basic theory of developmental biology, developmental neurophysiology, and reproductive biology of giant salamander. The use of modern molecular biology, genetics and other new technologies have innovated the technology of giant salamander reproduction, which has enabled the large-scale reproduction of giant salamanders, which provides a technological platform for the protection and proliferation of their resources.
1. Imitating the eco-environment The pros and cons of eco-environmental conditions are related to the maturation of the gonads to develop gonads. The imitation eco-environment mainly includes imitative ecological parent cultivation ponds, artificial temperature control, artificial light control, and artificial water quality adjustment.
1.1 The artificial temperature-controlled water temperature is a determinant factor for the development of gonorrhoids. The primary task of broodstock cultivation is to regulate water temperature in the optimal range of its gonadal development from 18°C ​​to 23°C. The development of gonads in broodstock has a clear seasonal cycle, which is from March to September every year. For this seasonal cycle, the water temperature in the broodstock pool is low in the spring, so the water temperature is raised to 18°C ​​to 23°C; With rich nutrition to meet their gonad development. In summer, the water temperature is lower, which is not conducive to the growth and development of broodstock. Therefore, the water temperature should be reduced to 18°C ​​to 23°C. The daily temperature of water should not exceed 1.5°C.
1.2 Illumination adjusts the lizard's darkness, and the fear of light has a habit of backlighting. Illumination plays an important role in the development of gonads, spawning and fertilization. Strong light inhibits gonad development and maturation, spawning, and sperm delivery. Dark light promotes gonad development. The results of the experimental study show that most of the sperm and ovaries degenerate when the gonad develops from stage III to IV at the stage of strong light. Therefore, the bred growth light is strictly controlled at 300-500 lx. That is completely dark light.
1.3 Water quality regulation of parental pool water requirements: high degree of mineralization, hardness, transparency, pH 6.5 ~ 7.5. Good water quality is an important ecological factor for broodstock cultivation. In Guangdong, Hunan, Zhejiang, Sichuan, Hubei, Henan, and Jiangsu provinces, an important factor in the low birth rate of artificial reproduction of giant salamanders has been poor water quality (in some places, deep well water is used, and in some places, serious pollution occurs. The river water is filtered to foster broods). The main work of water quality regulation is to constantly change the water, dilute the ground, flush the bottom of the tank regularly, and regularly adjust the water quality with live bacteria purifying agent. The best way is to build a brood pool between limestone mountains and streams.
2 Nurturing
2.1 Nutrition and Feed Nutrition-rich feed is the material basis for the development of gonads in the broodstock. During broodstock incubation, the protein content in the feed is 42% to 45.8%, sugar is 10% to 12%, fat is 2% to 3%, vitamins, minerals are 1.5%, and Chinese medicine promotes sexual maturation additives 2% to 3%. The other 7% to 18%. The amino acid balance in feed proteins is extremely important and cannot be ignored. During broodstock cultivation, according to its different stages of gonadal development, feeding different amounts of Chinese medicine to promote artificial development of gonadal formula feed. Feeding Chinese medicinal compound feeds and feeding synthetic additives containing promoting the development of germ cells and DNA is one of the key technologies for broodstock breeding.
2.2 There are two main ways for the stocking of broodstocks: one is female and male polyculture, and the other is male and female breeding.
2.3 Nutrient-producing baby broodstock broodstock cultivation technology is the key to achieving large-scale reproduction. The important prerequisite for large-scale reproduction of giant salamanders is to cultivate a large number of sexually mature broodstocks; in particular, there must be more sexually mature male broodstock.
The gonads of magpie have a seasonal cycle, that is, they begin to develop from March to April each year; they mature from July to October. According to this seasonal cycle. Artificially cultivated broodstock is mainly used: winter, spring, prenatal and physiological methods.
2.3.1 Winter Breeding Winter breeding refers to the post-natal physical stage of the parental body. The purpose of broodstock cultivation at this stage is to provide a large amount of nutrients for the giant salamander; The main job of winter cultivation is to regulate water temperature and feed. Water temperature regulation in two stages, the first is to control the water temperature at 18 °C ~ 22 °C, so that a large number of broodstock feeding, adequate nutrition overwintering; then the water temperature is reduced to below 10 °C, so that the parental into hibernation. Hibernating can make kins gore's gonads grow. The winter bait feed is based on artificial compound feeds, and 0.5% lysine and 0.5% vitamins are added to the compound feed.
2.3.2 Spring cultivation The main tasks of spring cultivation are regulating water temperature, regulating light, regulating water quality, and feeding. The regulation of water temperature means that the water temperature in the brooding pond in spring is low, so the water temperature is raised to 18° C. to 23° C. by warming methods, so that the parental body feeds early, so that it has abundant nutrition to satisfy its gonadal development. Adjusting the light refers to strictly controlling the brilliance pool light to about 500 lx, that is, fostering the brood under dark light. Adjusting the water quality means adjusting the water quality of the broodstock pool so that the pool water has a high degree of mineralization, hardness, transparency, and freshness. Feeding is to feed the traditional Chinese medicine compound feed that promotes the sexual maturity of the parental body and to feed the additive that promotes the DNA synthesis of the reproductive body's germ cells. Feeding bait requires fresh, new, high quality, and no pollution. Appropriately control the amount of feed.
2.3.3 Prenatal prenatal bred is an important period for the development of gonads in broodstock. Therefore, antenatal culturing is mainly based on a combination of ecology and physiology.
Ecological approach: Wild dolphins thrive in deep mountain gorges, brooks, and backflows and springs. Therefore, to cultivate broods artificially, the first step is to build an imitation eco-pool. At the same time, in the prenatal incubation stage, the temperature of the water should be controlled at 18 to 20°C. Since the prenatal cultivation is summer and the natural water temperature is relatively high, the cooling method is air conditioning. Although air conditioning can achieve the purpose of prenatal training, there are disadvantages such as large air conditioning costs and fluctuations in water temperature that affect the gonads of the parent body. The best and most reliable way is to build a tunnel in the mountains to build a parent breeding pond. This is the natural cooling, and the water temperature is stable, conducive to maternal sexual maturity. Cities can build parental pools in civil air defense projects and naturally cool down. However, there is a problem that the water source is not natural water. Adjusting the light refers to controlling the light of the kinship pool under dim light conditions. That is, the light intensity is 300 to 500 lx. Flushing is a part of prenatal training. Flush twice a day for 0.5 hours.
Physiological approach: mainly to promote the parental maturation of Chinese medicine preparations injected into the body, thereby increasing the maternal sexual maturity. Followed by feeding stimulating maturation of traditional Chinese medicine compound feeds and active baits promoting the synthesis of parental germ cell genes. In the body of a dolphin fish, the pituitary gland that links the nervous system with the gonad is an important organ for the development and maturation of germ cells. The pharmacological and pharmacodynamics results of the Chinese herbal medicine Shengjing injection show that it can promote the release of hormones from the pituitary of the giant salamander fish and increase the content of GTH in the serum, thereby improving the maternal sexual maturity.
3 Artificial breeding
3.1 The choice of brood body selection directly affects the level of induction. Since the maternal sexual maturation features are not obvious, artificial selection of broods often results in the selection of poorly mature broodstock and failure to induce oxytocin production. We use a combination of experience selection and B-ultrasound to improve the chances of selective maturation.
The characteristics of maternal sexual maturity: the small white spots on the raised circle of the vents were prominent, and there was congestion in the inner periphery.
B-ultrasonic examination: The testes are 6-9cm long and 0.8-2.6cm wide. The sonogram shows that the testes are full-bodied and without grooves in the middle, indicating sexual maturity.
The sexual maturation characteristics of the female: Closure, blood circulation, abdominal enlargement, softness and elasticity.
B-ultrasonic examination: egg diameter 5 ~ 7cm; sonogram showed: ovarian follicles increased, the egg was a single chain of beads, indicating sexual maturity.
3.2 artificial production 1 oxytocin: LRH-A, HCG; 2 escalation dose (perform new standards); female: LRH-A0.2 ~ 150μg/kg + HCGl0 ~ 15001U/kg. Male: The above dose is halved; 3 oxytocin production method: the parental oxytocin injection site is the intercostal space, the needle is inserted into the 0.5cm; 4 ovulation effect: the parental body spawning effect, the spawning effect time is 4 ~ 11d. The best time is 4 ~ 6d; 5 artificial insemination.
Dolphin artificial insemination using wet and dry method, the operation steps are: First, when the female egg was found to produce egg, one person immediately put the egg into the enamel pot by hand gently; the other is the mature male body was caught and put into Active stretcher. Then, one person gently squeezes the male hindquarters with his hands, seeing that the seizures have milky white semen, and the other person uses a clean porcelain bowl to collect the semen out of the vents and add the sperm nutrient solution. Finally, the semen is poured into the egg with the basin; lightly shake the eggs with the basin, so that the egg fertilization uniform. After 15 minutes, add clean water; after standing for 20 minutes, change the eggs with pot water twice. The eggs are then placed in a plastic basket and suspended in an incubation pool, which is the incubation period.
3.3 Artificial incubation
3.3.1 Incubated eco-environment water sources can be tap water, mountain stream water, spring water. When the spring water is hatched, the spring is first pumped into the reservoir and magnetized, and then warmed into the hatching tank. Otherwise, spring water is particularly susceptible to water mold. Water temperature has a great influence on hatching. Water temperature 21 °C ~ 23 °C, incubation time is 28 ~ 30d; water temperature 18 °C ~ 20 °C, incubation time is 35 landscape water temperature 16 °C ~ 18 °C, incubation time is 40 ~ 45d. The daily temperature of hatching water should not exceed 1.5°C. Incubation water temperature is too high to cause embryos to die or cause deformed seedlings. Therefore, the optimal range of water temperature during incubation is 20°C to 22°C. Fertilized eggs require no more than 5 mg/L of oxygen in water. Fertilized eggs must be incubated in low light conditions. The lighting requirements are strictly controlled within the range of 300 to 500 lx.
3.3.2 Incubation of artificially fertilized eggs is carried out by two methods: hydrostatic flow. When incubating in still water, change water every morning and evening. When the spring water is incubating, the temperature of the spring must be warmed before it can flow into the hatchery. It is easy to infect fertilized eggs with water mold due to the incubation of low hot spring water. Whether it is a hydrostatic hatching or a flowing water hatch, it must be regularly sterilized with mildew. In order to protect the embryo from water mold.
During the incubation period, pay attention to several points: First, control the water temperature and light every day. The water temperature is controlled between 20°C and 22°C. The illumination is controlled within 300-500 lx. The second is the prevention and control of aquatic molds. Since the water temperature during incubation is low, it is hatched with spring water. Therefore, the regular use of water mildew net prevention is an effective measure to prevent and control aquatic mold; third is to prevent embryos "sticker", that is, regularly flip the fertilized eggs.
4 Summary The key factors for the large-scale reproduction of giant salamander are: First, it is necessary to build an ecological pond that mimics the natural habitat of the giant salamander and natural water that uses the origin. In the past 20 years, it has been analyzed from the artificial reproduction of giant salamanders to low seedlings. In some places, deep well water is used, and in some places, it is filtered by heavily polluted river water as a water source. This is an important reason for the low birth rate of giant salamanders. It can be seen that the breeding ground of the giant salamander is best built in the country of origin; the second is to cultivate a large number of sexually mature broodstock. Since the sexual maturation rate of giant salamanders is generally only 26.2%, and in these 26.2% there are also poor male semen quality and female and male glandular development is not synchronized, so the giant salamander breeding has not yet achieved large-scale, ie, a large number of seed production. The fundamental reason for the low rate of male sexual maturity in our study is poor sperm motility. Its etiology is in Chinese medicine is a "kidney yang deficiency", in terms of modern medicine is an endocrine disorder. Therefore, we developed a Chinese medicine Shengjing San, effectively solved the problem of poor male sperm activity. When we worked for a company in Wuhan, due to the small number of broodstock and the short incubation period, we did not breed seedlings. This is because the breeding of giant salamanders differs from the breeding of four major domestic fish and other special aquatic animals. In addition, it should be noted that to breed baby fish fry this year, the brood must be introduced from October to December in the first year. When the brood was introduced in the same year, it was difficult to reproduce fry. This should cause the practitioners to pay enough attention; the third is to choose a good mature brood. In recent years, in our breeding practice, we only injected LRH-A 0.2pg/kg+HCGl01u/kg when oxytocin was applied. The spawning rate of salamanders reached 93%, the fertilization rate reached 82.3%, and the hatching rate was 56.5%. Therefore, it can be seen whether the giant salamander can achieve large-scale breeding. The key technical point and core technical point is to artificially cultivate a large number of sexually mature broodstock.
1. Imitating the eco-environment The pros and cons of eco-environmental conditions are related to the maturation of the gonads to develop gonads. The imitation eco-environment mainly includes imitative ecological parent cultivation ponds, artificial temperature control, artificial light control, and artificial water quality adjustment.
1.1 The artificial temperature-controlled water temperature is a determinant factor for the development of gonorrhoids. The primary task of broodstock cultivation is to regulate water temperature in the optimal range of its gonadal development from 18°C ​​to 23°C. The development of gonads in broodstock has a clear seasonal cycle, which is from March to September every year. For this seasonal cycle, the water temperature in the broodstock pool is low in the spring, so the water temperature is raised to 18°C ​​to 23°C; With rich nutrition to meet their gonad development. In summer, the water temperature is lower, which is not conducive to the growth and development of broodstock. Therefore, the water temperature should be reduced to 18°C ​​to 23°C. The daily temperature of water should not exceed 1.5°C.
1.2 Illumination adjusts the lizard's darkness, and the fear of light has a habit of backlighting. Illumination plays an important role in the development of gonads, spawning and fertilization. Strong light inhibits gonad development and maturation, spawning, and sperm delivery. Dark light promotes gonad development. The results of the experimental study show that most of the sperm and ovaries degenerate when the gonad develops from stage III to IV at the stage of strong light. Therefore, the bred growth light is strictly controlled at 300-500 lx. That is completely dark light.
1.3 Water quality regulation of parental pool water requirements: high degree of mineralization, hardness, transparency, pH 6.5 ~ 7.5. Good water quality is an important ecological factor for broodstock cultivation. In Guangdong, Hunan, Zhejiang, Sichuan, Hubei, Henan, and Jiangsu provinces, an important factor in the low birth rate of artificial reproduction of giant salamanders has been poor water quality (in some places, deep well water is used, and in some places, serious pollution occurs. The river water is filtered to foster broods). The main work of water quality regulation is to constantly change the water, dilute the ground, flush the bottom of the tank regularly, and regularly adjust the water quality with live bacteria purifying agent. The best way is to build a brood pool between limestone mountains and streams.
2 Nurturing
2.1 Nutrition and Feed Nutrition-rich feed is the material basis for the development of gonads in the broodstock. During broodstock incubation, the protein content in the feed is 42% to 45.8%, sugar is 10% to 12%, fat is 2% to 3%, vitamins, minerals are 1.5%, and Chinese medicine promotes sexual maturation additives 2% to 3%. The other 7% to 18%. The amino acid balance in feed proteins is extremely important and cannot be ignored. During broodstock cultivation, according to its different stages of gonadal development, feeding different amounts of Chinese medicine to promote artificial development of gonadal formula feed. Feeding Chinese medicinal compound feeds and feeding synthetic additives containing promoting the development of germ cells and DNA is one of the key technologies for broodstock breeding.
2.2 There are two main ways for the stocking of broodstocks: one is female and male polyculture, and the other is male and female breeding.
2.3 Nutrient-producing baby broodstock broodstock cultivation technology is the key to achieving large-scale reproduction. The important prerequisite for large-scale reproduction of giant salamanders is to cultivate a large number of sexually mature broodstocks; in particular, there must be more sexually mature male broodstock.
The gonads of magpie have a seasonal cycle, that is, they begin to develop from March to April each year; they mature from July to October. According to this seasonal cycle. Artificially cultivated broodstock is mainly used: winter, spring, prenatal and physiological methods.
2.3.1 Winter Breeding Winter breeding refers to the post-natal physical stage of the parental body. The purpose of broodstock cultivation at this stage is to provide a large amount of nutrients for the giant salamander; The main job of winter cultivation is to regulate water temperature and feed. Water temperature regulation in two stages, the first is to control the water temperature at 18 °C ~ 22 °C, so that a large number of broodstock feeding, adequate nutrition overwintering; then the water temperature is reduced to below 10 °C, so that the parental into hibernation. Hibernating can make kins gore's gonads grow. The winter bait feed is based on artificial compound feeds, and 0.5% lysine and 0.5% vitamins are added to the compound feed.
2.3.2 Spring cultivation The main tasks of spring cultivation are regulating water temperature, regulating light, regulating water quality, and feeding. The regulation of water temperature means that the water temperature in the brooding pond in spring is low, so the water temperature is raised to 18° C. to 23° C. by warming methods, so that the parental body feeds early, so that it has abundant nutrition to satisfy its gonadal development. Adjusting the light refers to strictly controlling the brilliance pool light to about 500 lx, that is, fostering the brood under dark light. Adjusting the water quality means adjusting the water quality of the broodstock pool so that the pool water has a high degree of mineralization, hardness, transparency, and freshness. Feeding is to feed the traditional Chinese medicine compound feed that promotes the sexual maturity of the parental body and to feed the additive that promotes the DNA synthesis of the reproductive body's germ cells. Feeding bait requires fresh, new, high quality, and no pollution. Appropriately control the amount of feed.
2.3.3 Prenatal prenatal bred is an important period for the development of gonads in broodstock. Therefore, antenatal culturing is mainly based on a combination of ecology and physiology.
Ecological approach: Wild dolphins thrive in deep mountain gorges, brooks, and backflows and springs. Therefore, to cultivate broods artificially, the first step is to build an imitation eco-pool. At the same time, in the prenatal incubation stage, the temperature of the water should be controlled at 18 to 20°C. Since the prenatal cultivation is summer and the natural water temperature is relatively high, the cooling method is air conditioning. Although air conditioning can achieve the purpose of prenatal training, there are disadvantages such as large air conditioning costs and fluctuations in water temperature that affect the gonads of the parent body. The best and most reliable way is to build a tunnel in the mountains to build a parent breeding pond. This is the natural cooling, and the water temperature is stable, conducive to maternal sexual maturity. Cities can build parental pools in civil air defense projects and naturally cool down. However, there is a problem that the water source is not natural water. Adjusting the light refers to controlling the light of the kinship pool under dim light conditions. That is, the light intensity is 300 to 500 lx. Flushing is a part of prenatal training. Flush twice a day for 0.5 hours.
Physiological approach: mainly to promote the parental maturation of Chinese medicine preparations injected into the body, thereby increasing the maternal sexual maturity. Followed by feeding stimulating maturation of traditional Chinese medicine compound feeds and active baits promoting the synthesis of parental germ cell genes. In the body of a dolphin fish, the pituitary gland that links the nervous system with the gonad is an important organ for the development and maturation of germ cells. The pharmacological and pharmacodynamics results of the Chinese herbal medicine Shengjing injection show that it can promote the release of hormones from the pituitary of the giant salamander fish and increase the content of GTH in the serum, thereby improving the maternal sexual maturity.
3 Artificial breeding
3.1 The choice of brood body selection directly affects the level of induction. Since the maternal sexual maturation features are not obvious, artificial selection of broods often results in the selection of poorly mature broodstock and failure to induce oxytocin production. We use a combination of experience selection and B-ultrasound to improve the chances of selective maturation.
The characteristics of maternal sexual maturity: the small white spots on the raised circle of the vents were prominent, and there was congestion in the inner periphery.
B-ultrasonic examination: The testes are 6-9cm long and 0.8-2.6cm wide. The sonogram shows that the testes are full-bodied and without grooves in the middle, indicating sexual maturity.
The sexual maturation characteristics of the female: Closure, blood circulation, abdominal enlargement, softness and elasticity.
B-ultrasonic examination: egg diameter 5 ~ 7cm; sonogram showed: ovarian follicles increased, the egg was a single chain of beads, indicating sexual maturity.
3.2 artificial production 1 oxytocin: LRH-A, HCG; 2 escalation dose (perform new standards); female: LRH-A0.2 ~ 150μg/kg + HCGl0 ~ 15001U/kg. Male: The above dose is halved; 3 oxytocin production method: the parental oxytocin injection site is the intercostal space, the needle is inserted into the 0.5cm; 4 ovulation effect: the parental body spawning effect, the spawning effect time is 4 ~ 11d. The best time is 4 ~ 6d; 5 artificial insemination.
Dolphin artificial insemination using wet and dry method, the operation steps are: First, when the female egg was found to produce egg, one person immediately put the egg into the enamel pot by hand gently; the other is the mature male body was caught and put into Active stretcher. Then, one person gently squeezes the male hindquarters with his hands, seeing that the seizures have milky white semen, and the other person uses a clean porcelain bowl to collect the semen out of the vents and add the sperm nutrient solution. Finally, the semen is poured into the egg with the basin; lightly shake the eggs with the basin, so that the egg fertilization uniform. After 15 minutes, add clean water; after standing for 20 minutes, change the eggs with pot water twice. The eggs are then placed in a plastic basket and suspended in an incubation pool, which is the incubation period.
3.3 Artificial incubation
3.3.1 Incubated eco-environment water sources can be tap water, mountain stream water, spring water. When the spring water is hatched, the spring is first pumped into the reservoir and magnetized, and then warmed into the hatching tank. Otherwise, spring water is particularly susceptible to water mold. Water temperature has a great influence on hatching. Water temperature 21 °C ~ 23 °C, incubation time is 28 ~ 30d; water temperature 18 °C ~ 20 °C, incubation time is 35 landscape water temperature 16 °C ~ 18 °C, incubation time is 40 ~ 45d. The daily temperature of hatching water should not exceed 1.5°C. Incubation water temperature is too high to cause embryos to die or cause deformed seedlings. Therefore, the optimal range of water temperature during incubation is 20°C to 22°C. Fertilized eggs require no more than 5 mg/L of oxygen in water. Fertilized eggs must be incubated in low light conditions. The lighting requirements are strictly controlled within the range of 300 to 500 lx.
3.3.2 Incubation of artificially fertilized eggs is carried out by two methods: hydrostatic flow. When incubating in still water, change water every morning and evening. When the spring water is incubating, the temperature of the spring must be warmed before it can flow into the hatchery. It is easy to infect fertilized eggs with water mold due to the incubation of low hot spring water. Whether it is a hydrostatic hatching or a flowing water hatch, it must be regularly sterilized with mildew. In order to protect the embryo from water mold.
During the incubation period, pay attention to several points: First, control the water temperature and light every day. The water temperature is controlled between 20°C and 22°C. The illumination is controlled within 300-500 lx. The second is the prevention and control of aquatic molds. Since the water temperature during incubation is low, it is hatched with spring water. Therefore, the regular use of water mildew net prevention is an effective measure to prevent and control aquatic mold; third is to prevent embryos "sticker", that is, regularly flip the fertilized eggs.
4 Summary The key factors for the large-scale reproduction of giant salamander are: First, it is necessary to build an ecological pond that mimics the natural habitat of the giant salamander and natural water that uses the origin. In the past 20 years, it has been analyzed from the artificial reproduction of giant salamanders to low seedlings. In some places, deep well water is used, and in some places, it is filtered by heavily polluted river water as a water source. This is an important reason for the low birth rate of giant salamanders. It can be seen that the breeding ground of the giant salamander is best built in the country of origin; the second is to cultivate a large number of sexually mature broodstock. Since the sexual maturation rate of giant salamanders is generally only 26.2%, and in these 26.2% there are also poor male semen quality and female and male glandular development is not synchronized, so the giant salamander breeding has not yet achieved large-scale, ie, a large number of seed production. The fundamental reason for the low rate of male sexual maturity in our study is poor sperm motility. Its etiology is in Chinese medicine is a "kidney yang deficiency", in terms of modern medicine is an endocrine disorder. Therefore, we developed a Chinese medicine Shengjing San, effectively solved the problem of poor male sperm activity. When we worked for a company in Wuhan, due to the small number of broodstock and the short incubation period, we did not breed seedlings. This is because the breeding of giant salamanders differs from the breeding of four major domestic fish and other special aquatic animals. In addition, it should be noted that to breed baby fish fry this year, the brood must be introduced from October to December in the first year. When the brood was introduced in the same year, it was difficult to reproduce fry. This should cause the practitioners to pay enough attention; the third is to choose a good mature brood. In recent years, in our breeding practice, we only injected LRH-A 0.2pg/kg+HCGl01u/kg when oxytocin was applied. The spawning rate of salamanders reached 93%, the fertilization rate reached 82.3%, and the hatching rate was 56.5%. Therefore, it can be seen whether the giant salamander can achieve large-scale breeding. The key technical point and core technical point is to artificially cultivate a large number of sexually mature broodstock.
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