1. Symptoms The disease can develop during the entire growing period of the cucumber and it mainly damages the leaves. At the time of the initial onset, there were spots of watery yellow light spots on the back of the leaves. As the disease progressed, the lesions gradually expanded and were restricted by the veins to form polygonal yellow spots. When the disease is severe, the small lesions merge into large lesions. In the wet conditions, the back of the lesion grows a layer of gray and black mold. Diseased leaves develop from bottom to top, and the leaves of the whole plant die when they are severe.
2. Transmission routes and conditions The disease is a disease of Downy mildew infestation, mainly transmitted by air currents and rain. The sporangium germinates directly and germ tubes emerge, invading the host from stomata or directly penetrating the epidermis. The way of transmission is mainly from cucumber in the greenhouse to cucumber in Daejeon, then spread from the field to the summer and autumn cucumbers, and then spread to the greenhouse cucumber. High humidity is an important condition for the occurrence of cucumber downy mildew. The sporangia produced by the bacteria require a relative temperature of more than 83%. Both the germination and invasion of the sporangia require water droplets or water films. Foliar dry sporangium can not germinate, and it will die in 2 to 3 days. Therefore, water droplets or blisters on the leaf surface are the decisive factors for the occurrence of downy mildew. Such as poor ventilation, excessive humidity, poor temperature regulation, large temperature difference between day and night, easy to make the leaves appear water droplets or water film, it is conducive to the germination and invasion of the bacteria. The invasive temperature of bacteria is in the range of 10 to 25°C, and the optimum temperature is 15 to 22°C. If the temperature is higher than 30°C, the disease will not develop. The higher the temperature, the greater the inhibitory effect on the bacteria. In the presence of water, temperature is a major factor in the occurrence of the disease sooner or later.
3. Control methods used new varieties of disease resistance. For example, Jinyan No. 4, Jinchun No. 2, Jinza No. 2~4th, Changchun Miyi, and Shandong Miyi. Strengthen the management of planting and increase the use of high ridge plastic film covering cultivation techniques, watering under the membrane, reducing the number of watering. Strengthen ventilation and reduce air humidity. Increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers to improve the disease resistance of plants. Immediately remove the old yellow leaves from the bottom of the melon. A 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate or sprayed 1:1:100 mixture of urea and sugar was sprayed on the roots to increase the total sugar content in functional leaves and increase the physiological resistance of the leaves.
High temperature stuffy shed. Select sunny morning, close the greenhouse greenhouse doors and windows, so that the temperature inside the shed to 45 °C, the maximum can not exceed 48 °C, 2 hours after appropriate ventilation, so that the greenhouse temperature gradually decreased, return to normal temperature. The day before closing the shed must be watered, and the higher the plant can be to lower the growth point downwards.
Chemical control. The following agents can be used at the beginning of the disease:
125% of Rhizoctonia Mildew WP 800 to 1000 times.
290% schisomniac WP 500 to 600 times.
375% chlorothalonil wettable powder 500 to 600 times liquid.
472% Kelu wettable powder 600 ~ 800 times liquid.
572% of Pricz 600 to 1000 times liquid.
645% chlorothalonil smoke agent, 250 grams per acre.
75% Chlorothalonil or 5% Propylazide dust agent, 1 kg per acre, once every 7 to 10 days, continuous control 3 to 5 times.
Second, cucumber powdery mildew
1. Symptoms The disease mainly damages the leaves. At the beginning of the disease, white round powdery spots appeared on the leaf surface of the leaves and back, and they expanded into pieces. They grew into a white powdery substance and gradually turned grayish. After the leaves turned yellow, they died of dryness and did not fall off.
2. Transmission routes and conditions The disease is a fungal disease caused by the powdery mildew of the powdery mildew. The disease can occur year-round in protected areas. Spread by air currents or rain, spread from the greenhouse to the field, and then spread to the greenhouse. The occurrence of powdery mildew has a close relationship with temperature, humidity and cultivation management. The optimum temperature for the occurrence of powdery mildew is 20-25°C. When the temperature exceeds 30°C or lower than 10°C, the pathogen is inhibited. Powdery mildew has a wide adaptability to humidity. The higher the humidity, the better the germination of pathogenic spores, but when the relative humidity is lower than 25%, the germs can still germinate. In the cultivation and management, if the density is too large, nitrogen fertilizer is too much, the ventilation and light transmission are not good, and the soil lacks water or excessive irrigation, and the humidity is too large, the disease easily occurs.
3, control methods used disease-resistant varieties. Jinyan No.2, No.4, Jinchun No.2, No.3, Jinza No.1, No.4, Manyuan Green, Bichun, Chunxiang, etc. Protected land fumigation. Disinfect with sulfur powder or chlorothalonil smoke agent before colonization. The method of fumigation with sulphur powder is 0.13 kg of sulphur powder per 55 m3 and 0.25 kg of sawdust. For example, if you use 250ml of chlorothalonil smoke agent per acre each time, put a few in a closed night after being lit in the evening, and open the windows and doors for ventilation the next morning.
Strengthen the management of fertilizer and water, pay attention to ventilation and light transmission in the shed, and prevent plant growth and premature aging. Chemical control.
40% Fuxing Xingyou 8000 to 10000 times liquid, or 25% triadimefon WP 1500 times, or agricultural antibiotic 120 biological agent 100PPm, or 50% carbendazim wettable powder 600 to 800 times liquid spray, alternating use, Every 7 to 10 days once medication, continuous control 2 to 3 times.
Third, cucumber bacterial angular spot
1, the symptoms of the disease mainly damage the leaves, but sometimes also harm the stems and melons. The cotyledon suffers, initially as a water-stained, round or oval depression spot, which later turns to yellow-brown spots and dry. The initial damage to the leaves resulted in spotting of the needles with water-stained spots, which turned pale brown and were limited by the veins. The leaves were spotted with white bacilli on the back of the leaves when the humidity was high, and a white transparent film was found after drying. Late lesions are brittle and easy to crack perforation. The lesions on the stems and fruits were water-stained, nearly round, and turned pale gray. The lesions often produced cracks in the middle of the lesions. When the lesions were wet, fungal pus were formed on the lesions, which invaded the pulp and discolored and rotted the pulp. Smelly. After being killed, young larvae often rot and fall off early.
2. Transmission routes and conditions The disease is a bacterial disease. It mainly spreads through air currents, irrigation water, rainwater, insects, and agricultural products. It invades pores, water holes, and wounds. High temperature and high humidity are important conditions for the development of bacterial angular spot disease. The onset temperature range is 20-30°C, and the most suitable temperature is about 25°C. The average daily temperature is below 12°C and the disease is heavy when the humidity is relatively high. Planting density is too large, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are insufficient, ventilation is poor, low temperature and high humidity, re-shock land mass is heavy, low-temperature and rainy year is more common and serious.
3. Control methods Selection of disease-resistant varieties of seed disinfection. Soaking with warm water at 55°C for 15 minutes, or soaking with 500% solution of 50% dexamethasone for 1 hour, or soaking with 40% formaldehyde 150 times for 1.5 hours, washing with water and germination.
Strengthen cultivation management. Two years or more of rotation is adopted for the seriously ill-conditioned plots. Ventilation, dehumidification, and elimination of stagnant water in the field are carried out in time. After the harvest, the diseased bodies are promptly removed and destroyed.
Chemical control. Apply 50% DT800 times liquid, 70% kill wettable powder 400 times, neomycin water 5000 times, or 1:2:300 to 400 times Bordeaux liquid, or 80% green drop Wettable powder 500 times, spray once every 7 to 10 days, continuous control 3 to 4 times.
Fourth, cucumber gray mold
1. Symptoms The disease mainly damages the flowers and young cucumbers of cucumbers, and sometimes also harms the leaves and stems. The bacteria began to invade from the flowers. After the flowers were damaged, a brownish-brown mold layer grew and then invaded the young larvae, causing the umbilical rot. The infected young larvae became water stained, faded, and the diseased area gradually became soft and rot. The surface was densely brown and brown. Diseased flowers and diseased fruits fall on stems and leaves, leading to the onset of leaves. Leaf lesions were water-stained, followed by light brown, with rims, and sharp edges, sometimes brown fungal layers were formed in the lesions. The stem is damaged, causing the disease to rot and, in severe cases, can cause the death of the whole plant.
2. Transmission route and disease conditions The disease is a fungal disease infested by Botrytis cinerea. The pathogen mainly overwinters on the diseased body and in the soil and becomes the initial infestation source. It relies on airflow, water splashing and agricultural operations to form a re-invasion. dye. Diseased flowers and fruit can cause another spread. Temperature is about 20 °C, cloudy light is insufficient, humidity in the protected area is large, ventilation is not timely, relative humidity is above 90%, and condensation time is long. It is an important condition for the occurrence of gray mold. If the temperature is higher than 30°C and the relative humidity is below 90%, the disease will stop spreading.
3. Prevention methods Strengthen the cultivation and management, enhance light, strengthen ventilation, water under the membrane, avoid watering on cloudy days, prevent excessive humidity. Clean the countryside, remove diseased flowers, diseased melons, diseased leaves and bring them out of the field for destruction. Chemical control. At the beginning of the disease, 10% of fast-keratin smoke or 45% of chlorothalonil smoke agent can be used, each time 250 grams per mu, smoked for 3 to 4 hours. It can also be sprayed with dust in the evening, with 5% chlorothalonil dust or 6.5% trimethoprim dust at 1 kg/mu. It is also possible to use 50% quickan WP 2000 times, or 50% epothilone WP 1500 times, or 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 600 times. Every 6 to 7 days medication, continuous control 3 to 4 times, requiring the drug to be sprayed on flowers and young melons. At the beginning of the flowering period, adding 0.1% amount of 50% Skoda WP or 50% epothion WP to dip or spray the flower significantly.
V. Cucumber wilt
1. Symptoms mainly harm the rhizome base of cucumber. When the seedlings develop, the base of the stem turns yellow and brown, the cotyledon wilts droop, and the root stem rots. The adult plant usually begins to develop in the early stages of the disease. The diseased plants show wilting droop from the bottom upwards, appearing to be deficient in water. A few days later, the base of the diseased plant stem curled and amber flowed out of the gel. In wet conditions, a pink or white mold layer grew on the base of the stem, and the vascular bundle became brown when the base of the stem was cut. This is an important feature of blight. As the disease progresses, the diseased plant quickly dies, and the base of the stem is easily split into fleshy, which is easy to pull up.
2. Transmission route and disease conditions The disease is a fungal disease infected by Fusarium. The pathogens overwinter in the debris and soil and become the primary source of infestation in the coming year. The seeds can spread over long distances. Soil, manure, irrigation water, insects, agricultural tools, etc. can all spread diseases. The germs are very strong and can survive in the soil for 5-6 years. Therefore, the number of pathogenic bacteria in the soil is the determinant of the degree of disease occurrence, and it is also the main source of disease infestation. Plots of continuous cropping, high soil moisture, and water accumulation in the roots are likely to promote the spread of blight. High temperature and high humidity are favorable conditions for the occurrence of Fusarium wilt. Diseases occur quickly when the temperature is between 24 and 27°C and soil temperature is between 25 and 30°C. Excessive nitrogen fertilizer, acidic soil (PH = 4.6 ~ 6.0) the incidence of heavier. The incidence of nematode-rich plots and flooded plots is heavier.
3. Control methods used new varieties of disease resistance.
Rotate crops with non-melon vegetables, onions, etc. to reduce the accumulation of pathogens in the soil. The use of high-riding cultivation and watering under the film cultivation techniques, promptly rule out the field of stagnant water, enhance ventilation and light transmission, increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, improve the disease resistance of crops.
Grafting and disease prevention, with the roots developed resistant to low temperature resistance to wilt disease black pumpkin as a rootstock grafted cucumber, control effectiveness of up to 95%, is the current method of prevention of cucumber wilt disease is an ideal method.
Use summer sun disinfection, use 1000 kg of straw per acre, cut into 4 to 6 cm long, spread evenly on the ground, and then evenly sprinkle 100 kg of lime, then deepen the land more than 25 cm, cover with plastic film, pouring enough water, Then, 15 to 20 days after sealing the greenhouses or greenhouses, when the local topsoil temperature reaches 60 to 70°C, it has better control effects on Fusarium wilt and nematodes.
Chemical control.
At the beginning of the disease, spray with 50% carbendazim WP 500 times or 70% thiophanate WP 800 times. Or use 70% Diocesone WP 1000 times solution or 50% rig dry 800 times solution to irrigate the roots. Fill 250 ml per plant. Fill every 7 days with continuous irrigation 3 times.
Six, cucumber scab
1. Symptoms Cucumbers can develop throughout the growing season, and leaves, stems and melons can be affected. Seedling incidence cotyledons appear yellow and white near-round lesions, the seedlings stop growing, the heart leaves withered when serious, and the whole plant died. The incidence of the leaves, the beginning of a wet round spot, diameter of 1 to 2 mm, light yellow, easy to crack after the disease star-shaped perforation. Petiole, melon vine and melon shank victim, long fusiform lesions ranging in size from pale yellow-brown, with intermediate cracking and sagging; white secretions are visible in the diseased part and become amber gel afterwards, and the lesions are long on wet. A gray mold layer. The squash was killed and dark green round to elliptic lesions began to appear, and there was a spill of jelly, which later became amber. The lesions were 2 to 4 mm in diameter. The depressions and cracks were scab-like and the diseased tissue stopped growing. , resulting in malformed melon, the temperature can be seen when the gray layer of mold, melon strips are generally not bad. The main difference between cucumber scab and bacterial leaf spot disease is that the lesions on the leaves of the bacterial leaf spot are polygonal, limited by the veins, the veins are not damaged, the diseased leaves are not distorted, and the perforation of the late stage of the lesion is not astral cracking. The melon scum was not amber, and the diseased melon was wet and rot.
2. Transmission routes and conditions The disease is a fungal disease infected by Cladosporium cucumerinum. The pathogenic bacteria overwinter on the culprit, in or near the soil and on the trusses, and penetrates directly from the epidermis of leaves, melons, and stems, and can also invade from wounds or stomata. Bacteria can grow in the temperature range of 5-30°C, and 20°C is the most suitable. The time of cultivation and cultivation in protected fields is longer, the planting density is too large, the plants are long and the ventilation and light transmission are not timely, and even when the rainy time is long, they are found to be heavier.
3. Control methods Seed quarantine is the main way to prevent seed-borne diseases. Produce quarantine on seed fields and produce disease-free seeds. Chemical control. At the beginning of the disease, 40% Fuxing Emulsion 8000 times or 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 600 times, or 50% acetaminophen wettable powder 1500 times spray, or 45% chlorothalonil smoke agent per acre can be used. 250 grams of smoked tobacco. The spraying should be even and thoughtful, the young part and the growth point should be sprayed, spraying once every 5 to 7 days, continuous control 3 to 4 times.
Seventh, cucumber disease
1. Symptoms The disease mainly harms the stem base, leaves and fruits. Seedlings were mostly affected by tender tips. They were wilted with dark green water stains at the beginning. The diseased part contracted. The leaves above the diseased part gradually wilted, causing dry and bald tips. On the pathogenesis of the leaves, round, dark-green water-stained lesions appeared. When the lesions became wet, the lesions quickly expanded into large spots. The edges were not visible and the whole leaves rotted. In the adult stage, most of the disease occurred from the shoots and the base of the lateral branches. The diseased part was dark green with water stains. It was obviously contracted and rotted. The stems and leaves above the diseased part withered, and the vascular bundles of the diseased stems did not change color. The melon strips were damaged, resulting in dark green water stains, near-circular depression spots, rapid development of disease when the humidity was high, melon strips shrinking, and the late disease minister sparse gray and white mold layer. The difference between cucumber disease and blight. The vascular bundle at the base of the disease stem is not discolored, and sparsely gray and white moldy layer is formed at the end of the disease, instead of the white or pink mold layer.
2. Transmission routes and conditions The disease is a fungal disease infested by P. sojae. The pathogenic bacteria in the diseased body and the soil are overwintering. The seeds, garbage, and fertilizers can carry the bacteria and spread through irrigation water, air currents, and wind and rain. The prevalence of the epidemic disease is closely related to the microclimate. High temperature and high humidity are conducive to the occurrence and development of germs. The onset temperature range is 5 to 37°C and the suitable temperature is 28 to 32°C. In a suitable temperature range, the disease can be easily caused by heavy ploughing, rainy days, watering, high humidity, poor drainage, soil viscous weight, and late application of organic fertilizer.
3. Prevention and control methods Rotate with non-guat crops.
Use high ridge cultivation, mulching mulch or wheat straw, under-membrane submerged irrigation, timely elimination of field water, good ventilation and light, reduce the humidity in the field.
After the harvest, the diseased leaves of the field were promptly removed and destroyed.
Seed disinfection. It can be soaked with 100% solution of 40% formaldehyde for 30 minutes, washed out and dried for use. Alternatively, use 25% of the seed weight of 0.3% Rhizoctonis WP or 600 to 800 times soaking for 30 minutes and then germination.
Chemical control, at the beginning of the disease, 64% anti-virus M8 WP can be used 500 to 600 times, or 90% schisomide WP can be 700 to 800 times, or 75% chlorothalonil WP can be sprayed 600 times. It can also use 25% metalaxyl WP and 40% methadone WP 1:1:800 to irrigate the roots, each irrigating 250 ml, irrigating once every 10 to 15 days, and irrigating 3 to 4 times.
Eight, cucumber anthrax
1. Symptoms Cucumber can develop throughout the reproductive period. At the seedling stage, semicircular lesions appeared on the edges of the cotyledons and were slightly sunken. In the adult stage, the lesions of the leaves are nearly round, ranging in size from the beginning, to water-stained, and soon dry to reddish-brown. There are yellow halos around the edges, and several small lesions often form irregular large spots. The lesions have black dots on the rounds, and the lesions produce pink viscous substances when wet, and the lesions often crack and perforate when dry. The lesions on the stems and petioles are oval or fusiform, dark brown and slightly sunken. The spots on the melon strip are round, brown, slightly concave, and the middle part is cracked, and a pink viscous material is produced on the later lesions.
2. Transmission route and disease conditions The disease is a disease caused by the infection of the genus Echinococcus, and the pathogenic bacteria use the mycelium and sclerotia to overwinter on the seed surface, the diseased body and the soil, and become the initial infection source in the coming year. Invasion of the host under appropriate conditions causes disease. High temperature and humidity are the main conditions for the onset of disease. The relative humidity is 87% to 95%. The optimum temperature is 24°C and the most suitable disease is when the humidity is less than 54%. When the temperature is higher than 28°C, the disease is mild. Protected cultivation is poor in air and light transmission, excessive watering, heavy cropping in successive years, excessive nitrogen fertilizer, and leggy plants are all conducive to disease. 3. Control methods Use disease-free seeds or collect seeds from disease-free plants.
Strengthen the cultivation and management, timely ventilation and light transmission, flood irrigation is strictly prohibited, remove water in the field after the rain, reduce the humidity in the field, and control the humidity below 70%. Increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, implement rotation, found diseased plants in time after the removal of diseased leaves, disease melon, and timely medication control.
Chemical control: At the beginning of the disease, 50% carbendazim WP may be used 500 times, or 75% chlorothalonil WP may be 500 times, or 50% anthrax omeprazole WP may be 300 ~ 400 times, or 45% Bacterial clearing agent, 250 grams per acre. Every 7 to 10 days once medication, continuous medication 3 to 4 times.
9. Cucumber Sclerotinia
1. Symptoms mainly harm the stems and fruits, occurring at the base of stems and at the branches of the main lateral branches. They initially produce pale green water-stained lesions. They appear light brown after enlargement. White mycelium grows on the surface of the diseased part. There are black sclerotia, the diseased branches and leaves are wilting and dead. The fruit was mostly infected with melon hair, and it was initially rotted and rotted. The surface was covered with white mycelium and black sclerotia. The incidence of leaves is gray to light brown, round lesions, edges are not obvious, the disease Department of wet rot, long sparse layer of mold. At the seedling stage, young stalks at the seedling stage appear immersed in water-like lesions, and quickly circumnavigate the stalks one week, causing the seedlings to trip.
2. Transmission routes and conditions The disease is a fungal disease infected by S. sclerotiorum. The pathogens in the seeds and soil overwinter over the summer, under appropriate conditions produce ascospores, spores spread with the air flow, infected flowers can cause re-infection. Low temperature and high humidity are conducive to the occurrence and prevalence of diseases. Temperature at 13 ~ 20 °C is conducive to the germination of ascospores, the appropriate relative humidity of 98% to 100%. The optimum temperature for sclerotial germination is around 15°C, and it can be killed within 5 minutes when it exceeds 50°C. Conservation land cultivation continued for a long period of time, the wind is not timely, and the humidity is heavy. Premature ventilation, large ventilation, low humidity, light enough to light the disease.
3. Control methods Soil disinfection. In the protected area, deep-turn 30 centimeters in summer, turn the sclerotia to the soil, irrigation for more than 10 days, so that the ascidian plate can not be unearthed.
Seed disinfection. Seed soaking in warm water at 50°C for 10 minutes. High ridge cultivation, mulch film, film irrigation. After discovering the central disease strain, it should be promptly removed and treated with medication.
Strengthen ventilation and light transmission to prevent low temperatures and excessive humidity.
Chemical control. At the beginning of the disease, 50% quick-inking wettable powder 1500 times, or 40% sclerotium wettable powder 1000 times, or 50% nellikon wettable powder 1000 times, or 50% acetaminophen wettable powder 1000 times liquid, or 10% fast Ke Ling smoke agent or 45% chlorothalonil smoke agent 250 grams per acre. Once every 10 days, medication, continuous control 3 to 4 times.
Ten, cucumber blight
1. Symptoms The disease mainly harms stems and leaves. At the onset of stems and bases, round or fusiform yellow-brown, oil-immersed, lesions slightly sunken, and amber gums were produced, with small black spots on the surface. After the onset of the leaves, round or irregular large-scale lesions appeared. Some lesions developed inward from the leaf margins were V-shaped or semi-circular brown to brown, and the later lesions were easily broken. The lesions had dense black dots on the lesions. Leaf lesions are 10 to 35 cm in diameter with a few lesions larger. The diseased leaves are yellow from the bottom and do not fall off. In severe cases, only the top one or two leaves are left.
The difference between blight and wilt disease: Blast disease develops from the surface of the stem to the inside. Vascular bundles do not change color, and the whole plant does not die. This is an important difference from the wilt disease.
2. Transmission routes and conditions of disease Bacterial blight is a fungal disease infested by melon ball fungi. The pathogenic bacteria overwinter in the diseased body and soil. It mainly spreads by irrigation water and air flow, and invades from pores, water holes, or wounds. Straining can cause cotyledon incidence. High temperature and high humidity, poor ventilation, weak plant growth, and leggy, and land masses that have been plagued for years are likely to cause morbidity.
3. Control methods Use disease-free seeds or leave seeds from disease-free plants. Implement rotation for 2 to 3 years or more.
Cultivate strong seedlings, increase phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, enhance plant resistance, strengthen ventilation and light transmission, reduce temperature and humidity, and improve the microclimate in the field.
Chemical control.
At the beginning of the disease, 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 600 times, or 70% thiophanate wettable powder 800 times, or 50% carbendazim wettable powder 1500 times, or 45% chlorothalonil smoke, can be used. 250 grams per acre, or 40% Fuxing Star EC 800 times, every 7 to 10 days control once, continuous control 3 to 4 times.
Eleven, the occurrence and prevention of cucumber cucurbitosis
1. Symptoms are mainly manifested in the new sitting Guinho or in the development of the small melon strips to stop growing, and from the tip of the melon began to gradually turn yellow, dry, and finally dry off.
2. The main causes of anaphylaxis are due to excessive irrigation in female flowers, poor air permeability, weak root activity, or too late melon picking. Organs compete for nutrients, resulting in inadequate supply of nutrients to young melons. . In the case of continuous rain and lack of light, photosynthetic products are few, and the newly sitting young larvae do not get enough nutrients and stop growing. In addition, the lack of light, high temperature, less photosynthetic products, nutrient consumption, resulting in nutritional deficiency of young larvae. In the case of adequate nitrogen fertilizer, excessive water, insufficient light, and long crops, the nutritional growth of young larvae cannot be fully supplied, and it is easy to cause melon.
3. Control methods Strengthen cultivation management, properly control watering, strengthen ventilation, increase light, increase photosynthetic intensity, control temperature and humidity, prevent melons from gaining appetite, timely picking, and moderately meloning.
XII. Occurrence and Prevention of Cucumber "Flower topping"
1. Symptoms Cucumber "flower topping" occurs mainly at the seedling stage or at the initial stage of colonization. The symptoms are mainly characterized by the growth point no longer grows up, the internodes near the growth point are shortened, the flowering nodes rise, and the flowering at the top is serious. After the flowering, the melon strips do not elongate and the melon sprouts stop growing.
2. Causes of etiology Drought, lack of fertilizer, night temperature below 15 °C, soil salt concentration is too high, root damage and other factors.
3. Control methods When raising seedlings, strengthen the management of water and temperature, apply organic fertilizers more, transplant them at the right time, and avoid rooting during transplanting, avoid flooding and flooding in the fields, and maintain good air permeability in the soil. Appropriate removal of female flowers to promote growth. If the fertilizer is insufficient, a 0.2% to 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate aqueous solution may be sprayed.
XIII. Occurrence and Prevention of Malformed Melon
1. Symptoms and causes of the cause Bent melons. The main reasons for this happening are too dense planting, more fruiting, more leaf picking, less female flowering, incomplete development, drought and root damage, and inadequate nutrient supply.
Coarse tail melons and fine tailed melons. Many cucumbers are grown, and the cucumbers grown under conditions of lack of nutrients, drought, or high soil salinity are likely to produce fine tailed cucumbers.
Planting cucumbers in the absence of potassium, nitrogen, and calcium causes more occurrence of coarse-tailed melons. Potassium-depleted plots are prone to produce coarse-tailed melons. Close planting, lack of light, picking more leaves, high temperature is also easy to produce coarse tail melon.
Beeswax melons. High temperature and drought, low temperature and humidity, potassium deficiency in polyammonium, calcium deficiency and boron are the main factors in the occurrence of beetle melon.
2. The method of prevention and control is dense and dense, and the lower yellow leaves are removed to increase the light and improve photosynthesis. Prevent flood irrigation, strengthen ventilation and reduce humidity. Increase organic fertilizers and apply potassium fertilizer and boron fertilizer in time.
Vigna Bean is commonly called ricebean or rice bean. To date, it is little known, little researched and little exploited. It is regarded as a minor food and fodder crop and is often grown as intercrop or mixed crop with maize, sorghum or cowpea, as well as a sole crop in the uplands, on a very limited area. Like the other Asiatic Vigna species, ricebean is a fairly short-lived warm-season annual. Grown mainly as a dried pulse, it is also important as a fodder, a green manure and a vegetable. Ricebean is most widely grown as an intercrop, particularly of maize, throughout Indo-China and extending into southern China. In the past it was widely grown as lowland crop on residual soil water after the harvest of long-season rice, but it has been displaced to a great extent where shorter duration rice varieties are grown. Ricebean grows well on a range of soils. It establishes rapidly and has the potential to produce large amounts of nutritious animal fodder and high quality grain.
Human nutrition
Ricebean is most often served as a dal, either soaked overnight and boiled with a few spices, or cooked in a pressure cooker. Apart from various recipes for dal soups and sauces, pulses are also used in a number of other ways, either whole, cooked or roasted, as flour, or ground to make various deep fried dishes or snacks. Some recipes are specific to particular pulses, but many are open to substitution. The consumption of green pods as a vegetable has been recorded but is not widespread, although the indeterminate growth habit of many varieties is beneficial in providing a steady supply of green pods over long periods of the year.
Vigna Bean
Vigna Bean,Natural Small Red Bean,Organic Small Red Bean,Organic Mung Beans
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