Qualgar made the above remarks on the results of the "milk and cancer" study by two scientists in New Zealand.
According to reports released by New Zealand scientists Gille and Gross in the British Medical Journal "Nutrition Monthly", experiments have shown that milk has a direct relationship with cancer suppression. The report said that after injecting carcinogens into two groups of laboratory rats, cancer cells in the non-edible milk group grew twice as fast as the group fed with milk.
The report pointed out that linseed oil protein and whey protein enzymes in milk can inhibit the onset of cancer cells and the growth of tumors. In addition, milk contains antioxidant vitamins, vitamins A, D and carotene, etc. Vitamins also have the function of preventing the growth of cancer cells.
Chagal stated that milk has long been regarded by the nutrition community as an indispensable nutrient for the human body. Therefore, the experimental results of the New Zealand scientists mentioned above are not unexpected. For example, the Turk who eats meat as a staple food often eats milk. Products such as yogurt and cheese have a very low proportion of colon cancer, and milk or dairy products have been proven to prevent cancer growth.
He also said that not only milk, as long as nutrition is properly balanced, but also can reduce the chance of suffering from cancer, such as red meat, more fatty foods and fried snacks (fried potatoes), etc. Eat as little as possible, and less smoking, drinking, etc. All can reduce the chance of cancer by 15 to 20 percent.