Raw materials: 10 apricots, 1 Sydney, 50 g of white sugar.
Practice: Place the apricot, Sydney, and white sugar in the bowl, add a bowl of fresh water, and cook in an emergency for 1 hour.
Usage: 2 times a day, eat Sydney soup.
Role: Huatanzhike, heat and fluid, lungs and asthma. Suitable for cough, chronic bronchitis and intestinal dry constipation.
Commentary: Apricot contains a variety of saponins and trace amounts of hydrocyanic acid, which has a calming respiratory center and a role in cough and asthma. In addition to the cold with the Sydney stew can increase the power of the lungs and asthma, and can stagnation of phlegm, heat to dry, for the four seasons antitussive Jiapin.
Practice: Place the apricot, Sydney, and white sugar in the bowl, add a bowl of fresh water, and cook in an emergency for 1 hour.
Usage: 2 times a day, eat Sydney soup.
Role: Huatanzhike, heat and fluid, lungs and asthma. Suitable for cough, chronic bronchitis and intestinal dry constipation.
Commentary: Apricot contains a variety of saponins and trace amounts of hydrocyanic acid, which has a calming respiratory center and a role in cough and asthma. In addition to the cold with the Sydney stew can increase the power of the lungs and asthma, and can stagnation of phlegm, heat to dry, for the four seasons antitussive Jiapin.