The flatfish, also known as the squid, inhabits the shallow sandy sea floor and feeds on small fish and shrimp. They are particularly suitable for benthic life on the seabed. Because of their flat body. The eyes are on the side with the body facing up. The color of this side matches well with the surrounding environment; the downward side of their body is white. Flounder has very fine scales on the body surface. The flounder has only one dorsal fin, extending almost from the head to the caudal fin. They live mainly in temperate waters and are important economic fish in temperate seas.
The edible portion of the flounder is 72%, and the calorie content per 100 grams of flounder is 448 kilojoules. Protein 21.1 g, fat 2.3 g, carbohydrate O. 5 g, ash 1.5 g, vitamin A 117.0 μg, thiamine 0.03 mg, riboflavin 0.04 mg, niacin 1.5 mg. Vitamin E 2.35 mg, potassium 264. O mg, sodium 150.4 mg, calcium 107.0 mg, magnesium 32.0 mg, iron O. 4 mg, Manganese O. 11 mg. Zinc 0.92 mg, copper 0.06 mg, phosphorus 135.0 mg, selenium 29.45 μg, etc. It also contains all kinds of amino acids needed by the body and more taurine, creatine, and inosinic acid.