The severity of the sunflower rotten dish (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum), except for the climatic conditions related to rain, high humidity, etc., the number of sclerotia in the previous year was the decisive factor determining the severity of the disease. Therefore, the favorable conditions for the easy removal of sclerotia in winter and autumn winters, the widespread mobilization of the people, and the adoption of various favorable measures to reduce the sources of overwintering bacteria are effective measures to prevent the next year's sunflower rot. Sclerotinia is one of the major diseases of sunflower. The incidence rate of the higher ones is 80% to 100%. The disease can develop from emergence to maturity. The stem often occurs at the base and forms a water-soaked lesion. When the humidity is high, the white mycelium grows on the lesion, making the stem fragile and brittle, and finally the whole plant withers. The flowers of the final flowering period are susceptible to the disease. When the disc occurs, brown immersed spots appear on the back of the disk. The weather is rainy and spreads rapidly. Through the disk, white mycelium grows, causing the entire disk to soften and fall off. The sclerotia fall to the ground with the disk, and some are mixed and wintered between the seeds when the game is played. These overwintering sclerotia are the primary source of infection for the next sunflower dish. The greater the amount of sclerotia wintering, the heavier the weight of sunflower rot in the next year. In order to prevent and control next year's sunflower dish, autumn and winter should take the following measures: 1. When choosing a healthy dish and keeping seeds at the time of harvest, sclerotia are often prone to be mixed among the seeds. Therefore, at the time of harvest, pure varieties and plant heights should be selected first. Moderate, the same size of the kwai plate, the plants with full grain and similar ripening time, and the disease-free healthy plate are reserved for species use. And it must be collected, singles and single possessions to ensure that there will be no disease next year. 2. After picking rotten dish sunflower rotten dish, the white mycelium is filled between the fruits, forming a layer of reticular sclerotia. Sclerotia fall to the ground with the rotten disk and fall into the soil after autumn ploughing. These wintery sclerotia have become the root cause of the next year's disease of sunflower. Therefore, after the autumn harvest, it is an important measure to reduce the source of overwintering bacteria by picking up rotten dishes exclusively and burning them out of the field or deep in the soil. 3, clean garden sclerotinia Sclerotinia is a soil-borne disease, not only to sclerotium in the soil in winter, but the bacteria in the sick tissue can also be buried in the winter, therefore, after harvest, autumn ploughing should be The sick organizations in the field, especially the rotten discs left over from the ground, were completely removed, and were burned or buried deep in the fields. Be careful not to use fertilizers such as sunflowers to prevent sclerotia from spreading. 4. Qiubao Sterilization After investigation, it was found that sclerotia grows in the soil and grows out of the ascitium plate. The length of the ascus stalk is generally no more than 6 to 7 cm, and the sclerotia is buried deep into the soil to less than 8 cm by deep tumbling. It is difficult to sprout soil on the plate, and deep plowing in autumn to 20 cm or more can suppress the germination of sclerotia next year. Therefore, all sunflower fields should be deep-turned in the fall to reduce the number of sunflowers in the next year. (Lu Yunsheng)
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