Crop growth and fertilization effects are closely related to weather conditions. Light affects the photosynthesis of crops, and the product of photosynthesis, sugar, is the energy that supplies root respiration. The lack of energy will affect the absorption of nutrients by roots. Therefore, under conditions of insufficient light, the absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese and other elements is significantly reduced. Temperature affects not only the conversion of fertilizers in the soil but also the absorption of nutrients by crop roots. For example, paddy rice is often irrigated with low-temperature water in rice fields, and rice blasts are prone to rice blast, which is due to low temperature, which affects the absorption of silicon and potassium by rice. On the one hand, water can speed up the dissolution of fertilizers and promote the absorption of nutrients by crops. On the other hand, if there is too much water, not only the soil has poor ventilation, but also it is unfavorable for the absorption of nutrients by the crops, and it also causes the loss of nutrients. Therefore, it is not suitable for fertilizing on rainy days. The fertilization on sunny days also depends on the dry and wet conditions of the soil to determine the concentration of fertilization. For example, if the soil is wet, the fertilizer can be used in some concentrations; if the soil is dry, the fertilizer should be diluted and applied. In long-term production practices, people have concluded that fertility predictions may be caused by crops based on weather conditions. Such as low temperature in early spring, rice is prone to phosphorus deficiency, lack of zinc, should pay attention to the use of phosphate fertilizer or zinc fertilizer; in the lack of light conditions, potassium fertilizer should be increased, can increase the crop's use of light energy; in dry years, rape easily appear Boron deficiency, vegetables, radishes and other vegetables are prone to calcium deficiency. Attention should be paid to the use of boron and calcium fertilizers. In the rainy season, it is easy to cause the loss of effective iron in the soil. Iron deficiency is common in fruit trees and attention should be paid to supplements.
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