Flowers fall into several categories

China is known as the "mother of the world's gardens," which has a rich variety of flower resources. To facilitate cultivation, management, and utilization, it is necessary to understand the classification of flowers. Due to the different basis for classification, the classification methods vary. According to the morphological characteristics of flowers, the flowers are usually divided into two categories: herbaceous flowers and woody flowers. The stems are soft and herbaceous flowers, and the stems are hard and woody flowers. According to the classification of flower growth habits and morphological characteristics, it can generally be divided into herbal flowers, woody flowers, succulent flowers and aquatic flowers. Herbal flowers can be divided into annual, biennial flower, perennial flowers, bulbous flowers and turf plants according to their different growth cycles. Woody flowers can be divided into arbors, shrubs and vine flowers according to the height of the trunk and the size of the canopy. Succulent flowers, with fleshy hypertrophic stems and leaves, store abundant water in the body, and some of the leaves degenerate into acupuncture or feather-like, strange shape, so they are self-contained in horticultural cultivation. Aquatic flowers grow all year round in water and swamps, and most of them belong to perennial plants. According to the classification of the ornamental part, the flowers can be divided into flowers, flowers (mainly ornamental flowers and flowers, such as chrysanthemum, Chinese rose, etc.), and foliage (mainly ornamental leaf color and leaf shape, such as leaf and leaf.芋, etc.), fruits (mainly ornamental fruits, such as kumquat, etc.), stems and stems (mainly ornamental branchlets, such as bachelor trees, Shanying, etc.) and buds (mainly ornamental buds, Such as silver willow). According to the purpose, flowers can be divided into cut flowers (such as carnation, calla lily, etc.), indoor flowers (such as kaffir lily, monstera, etc.), garden flowers (such as rose, chrysanthemum, etc.), medicinal flowers (such as peony, Honeysuckle, etc.), spice flowers (such as Pitt, Jasmine, Rose, etc.) and edible flowers (lily, day lily, pomegranate). In addition, based on the climate conditions of the origin of flowers, according to natural distribution, the flowers are divided into tropical flowers, subtropical flowers, warm temperate flowers, temperate flowers, sub-arctic flowers, alpine flowers. This classification can reflect the habits of various flowers and the conditions needed to meet their growth and development at the time of cultivation. China Agricultural Network Editor

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