Bee's nutritional requirements

The honeybees hatch from the eggs into larvae and then develop into ticks and adults. The nutritional needs of different development stages are quite different; bee kings, worker bees, and drones have different needs for nutrition; bee colonies in different living conditions, such as wintering season, breeding season, collecting honey, or producing royal jelly production period, The nutrients consumed are also different and they are different in terms of food requirements. 1. The protein source of protein bees is mainly pollen. Protein is the basic material of life. No protein is lacking in the growth and development of larvae, spawning of queen bees, the development of bee glands, and the functioning of workers. Food lacks protein, larvae die, young bees are stunted and useless value is lost, queens are unable to get enough royal jelly and spawning rate is reduced or discontinued, worker bees cannot normally bleed and secrete wax. 2. The lipids of fat bees are mainly converted from sugars. The fat in the bee body contains more unsaturated fatty acids, which have a great effect on the growth and development of larvae, feathering, and energy supply. The beeswax secreted by the wax glands on the abdomen of worker bees must be synthesized from sugars. Therefore, the more young bees in the strong group, the stronger the ability to excrete wax. In the splendor period, the amount of sugar needed to synthesize fat is greater. 3. The main component of nectar collected by sugar bees is disaccharide, which cannot be used directly by bees and must be brewed into honey, which is converted into monosaccharides such as glucose and fructose before it can be used. Inactive bees have eaten disaccharides or polysaccharides, causing digestive disturbances, producing diarrhea, nausea, and other diseases. In severe cases, the bees cause a large number of deaths and lead to overwintering failures. Therefore, the overwintering feed in the colony is insufficient and should be supplied early in the fall so that the bees can convert the disaccharide into monosaccharides. Honey nectar collected by honeybees from plants contains polysaccharides and large amounts of impurities and cannot be used as a winter feed. The main role of sugar is to provide energy. Workers' blood sugar levels dropped below 1% and they could not fly. Under normal circumstances, the best energy source for bees is mature honey. Bees do not use pollen (bee food) as an energy source. Therefore, there is no honey stored in the nest and there is bee food. The overwintering bees are frozen to death due to the lack of honey that provides thermal energy. 4. Minerals Bees have a small amount of minerals, but they can't be lacking. The source of minerals is generally nectar and pollen. If the outside world lacks a source of powder, sugar-fed bee colonies should pay attention to the artificial supplementation of minerals. However, mineral supplements in the feed should not be too much, but too much of it can have adverse effects. 5. The vitamin vitamin requirement is very small, but it is very important to regulate bee metabolism, physiological activity, growth and development and bee colony breeding. Such as vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin p, vitamin B6, vitamin h, vitamin Bll, vitamin B12, vitamin c, etc., to ensure and promote the growth and development of larvae, the enhancement of tissue and organ functions, the collection of worker bees, and the enhancement of queen bee's fecundity. Rapid population growth and the prevention and treatment of diseases have a good effect. Adding a proper amount of follicular reactor hormones and vitamin E in syrup and feeding the colonies in the early spring is conducive to the development of a strong bee colony for the arrival of flowing honey. 6. Water is a component of the bee's body. Normal metabolism, reproduction, and life are inseparable from water. Overwintering bees require less water; while active bee colonies and high-temperature dry seasons require more water, the main source of water is the nectar collected into the beehive and taken directly from the outside world. China Agricultural Network Editor

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