The dietary taboo of honey is such that when a person eats honey, it is easy to die.

Many people know that the efficacy of honey can not only promote the body's digestion and absorption, sleep, for patients with high blood pressure and liver dysfunction is very good, but everything is both face to face, there are joy and worry, some people Can not eat honey, otherwise it will have serious consequences. What are the dietary taboos for honey? How much do you know how to eat honey?

When such people eat honey, they are easily killed.

Although eating honey can maintain the electrolyte balance in the blood and improve people's liver function while strengthening their physique, these four types of people may not be optimistic about eating. In times of seriousness, it is even easy to lose their lives.

1, liver cirrhosis patients

The monosaccharide provided by honey does not require the decomposition of the liver, which greatly reduces the burden on the liver and is suitable for patients with hepatitis B and chronic hepatitis. However, for patients with liver cirrhosis, honey will increase liver fibrosis and cause the disease to become more serious, so it is not All liver diseases are suitable for drinking honey!


2, diabetic patients

The content of fructose and glucose in honey accounts for about 80%. Both of these sugars are monosaccharides, which can easily be absorbed by the body, causing the blood sugar to soar, and aggravating the burden of the islet to worsen the disease. For diabetics, if urine sugar and blood sugar are not yet controlled, it is better to avoid honey to avoid danger.

3, infants and young children within 1 year old

Honey is rich in nutrients, many mothers will add some honey in the complementary food to improve the taste, but for infants and young children, the development of the digestive system is not very complete, the body can not solve the bee venom, honey contains some pollen substances or hormones The substance will make the baby allergic or even poisoned and unfit for human consumption.

4, people taking cold medicine

Colds are often accompanied by sore throat and dry throat. In addition to taking medicines, many people will also have a cup of honey water, but the acetaminophen components contained in the cold medicine or antipyretics will form a compound and reduce the drug when it encounters honey. effect. For example, Tylenol, fast-reading, and cold-clearing are all the same. Similarly, honey-containing ingredients such as cough syrup should not be taken together with the above cold medicines.

The applicable population of honey

suitable for majority of the people

1. Suitable for elderly, children, constipation patients, hypertensive patients, bronchial asthma patients.

2. Not suitable for diabetics, spleen diarrhea, diarrhea, and dampness.

Honey consumption method

Fresh honey can be taken directly, but it can also be taken as an aqueous solution, but it must not be used in boiling water or high-temperature cooking, because the active ingredients such as enzymes and other active ingredients are destroyed after the high temperature is added. It is best to use honey diluted with warm water of 40 degrees or cold water.

Taking time

Get up in the morning with an empty stomach and drink it with warm water. Don't use too hot water, so you don't get hot nutrition. Beauty clears your intestines. It's good for you.

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