After the green beans are planted in the shed to the end of the harvest, they will go through three growth stages: 10-15 days cluster period (including 8-10 days slow seedling period); 15-30 days vine-throwing period; 60-150 days for successive flowering The pod-setting period is the longest in the solar greenhouse overwintering kidney beans, and includes the budding and flowering and pod-setting periods when new branches grow in the middle and lower parts of the plant.
The first two growth stages mentioned above are mainly based on vegetative growth. The plant takes root and roots, spreads vines and branches, increases the number of compound leaves and increases the leaf area, so as to build a good plant and high-yield shelf, and continue to start from the seedling stage. Flower bud differentiation, the trend of flower bud differentiation becomes stronger and more differentiated flower buds, so that reproductive growth is gradually strengthened until it reaches the early stage of budding and flowering.
The main direction of cultivation and management of these two growth stages is to prevent plant growth, promote stable growth, strong growth and differentiation of flower buds, make flower buds more, and flower buds strong, and lay a good foundation for reducing buds, flowers, and young pods, and improving pod setting rate. basis.
In the latter stage of growth, plant vegetative growth and reproductive growth are both prosperous, and gradually transition to reproductive growth. That is, while the stems and leaves are growing, the buds, flowers, and pods are formed at the same time, which are related to the pod setting rate, the number of pods per plant, and the stage that determines the yield.
The main direction of cultivation management is to reduce the "three drops" (that is, drop buds, flowers, and young pods) and increase the pod setting rate. According to the survey, the trailing bean has a strong ability to differentiate flower buds, each plant can differentiate 15-25 inflorescences, each inflorescence has more than 20 buds, and only the unshed buds have 5-11 flowers and 0-pods. Three, the number of pods accounted for 9% of the number of buds and about 15% of the number of flowers. Therefore, the main attack direction of reducing the "three falls" and increasing the pod setting rate is correct.
Some vegetable farmers, in order to prevent the growth of weeds in the shed, cover the beans with black mulch, which is an unscientific practice of neglecting the other. Because the ground temperature required for the growth and development of kidney beans is always about 3°C ​​higher than the required temperature. After covering the black mulch, the ground temperature is lower than the temperature in the shed due to blocking the sunlight, and the black mulch has no reflection of light, which is not conducive to the growth and development of kidney beans. Therefore, it is recommended that vegetable farmers do not cover the beans with black mulch.
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