Eggplant wilt is one of the main diseases of eggplant. It not only harms the vegetable of the Solanaceae, but also harms many vegetables such as Cucurbitaceae and Cruciferae. The leaves of the diseased plants gradually turn yellow and withered from the bottom to the top. The symptoms are mostly in the first and second layers. On the branch, sometimes the same leaf turns yellow only on half, and the other half is as normal as usual. Let's take a look at the prevention and cure of eggplant blight.
Eggplant verticillium wilt disease has less onset, and it usually begins to develop after the eggplant colonization. If it is colonized by low temperature, the disease is early and heavy, but most of the disease occurs after fruit setting. The diseased plants develop from the bottom to the top or from the other side to the whole plant. The leaves turn yellow at the leaf margin and the veins at the beginning, and then develop to the half leaves or the whole leaves turn yellow. The early diseased leaves are wilting at high temperatures on sunny days. It can be restored, and the later diseased leaves turn from yellow to brown, and eventually cause wilting and drooping to fall off. In severe cases, the leaves of the whole plant become brown and sag and only the stems are removed. When the diseased roots, stem branches and petioles were opened, it was found that the vascular bundles turned brown, but no rice-water turbidity oozing out. Longitudinal cut of the mature fruit of the diseased plant, it can also be seen that the vascular bundle turns dark brown.
Incidence condition
The pathogen prefers a warm, humid environment. The most suitable conditions for the onset are soil temperature of 24 to 28 ° C and soil water content of 20 to 30%. The main pathogenesis of eggplant wilt in Zhejiang and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River is from May to July and from September to October. The susceptible period of eggplant is the flowering fruit stage. Fields with continuous cropping, poor drainage, accumulated water after rain, acid soil, heavy underground pests and nitrogen fertilizers on cultivation have a serious incidence. The annual incidence of spring and summer rainy is heavy, and the eggplant cultivated in autumn is heavy in autumn and autumn.
Control method
1. Seed and seedbed disinfection, soaking in 55 °C warm water for 15 minutes before sowing, and disinfecting the bed soil. Actively control underground pests and avoid wounds in the roots.
2, with non-solanaceae vegetables for more than 3 years of rotation, using red cigar, Torumba and other rootstocks for grafting seedlings, timely, fine planting, appropriate control of watering, strengthen cultivating, and promote root wound healing.
3, the initial stage of the disease can be used 50% carbendazim WP 500 times solution, or 50% benomyl WP 1000 times solution, or 20% methyl chlorophosphate 1000 times solution, or 5% bacteria clear water agent 400 times liquid, or 15% carbendazim water 1000 times solution rooting, 200 ml per plant.
Puyang Linshi Medical Supplies Co., Ltd. ,