Increasing yield of greenhouse cucumber

The key to greenhouse cucumbers lies in management and management, which can effectively increase production.

1. The method of using light smoked sheds. When the cucumber seedlings grow to 1 to 4 true leaves, the greenhouse is filled with light smoke, and the seal is kept for 2 to 3 days and nights, which can increase the female flowers of the cucumber and increase the yield of cucumber. The reason is that the smoke contains carbon monoxide, which can inhibit the body of the seedlings. The oxidation process causes the melon to form numerous female flowers. At the same time, smoke can kill cucumber red spiders.

2. Perform artificial pollination. Cucumber is a parthenocarpic flower. It is divided into male and female. In the field, they rely on insects to pollinate. Because there is no insect in the medium, it will cause bad pollination. After the flowering of the cucumber, the male flower of the male flower is applied to the stigma of the female flower for several times, and the purpose of artificial pollination can be achieved, the female flower is reduced, the melon rate is increased, and the melon is large, long, and delicious.

3. The method of foliar spray application. Spray 1% urea aqueous solution in the seedling stage to promote early seedling growth, or spray 0.5% aqueous solution of ferrous sulfate to promote seedlings and strong green leaves. At 7 leaves, a 0.2% aqueous solution of boric acid was sprayed to prevent the loss of the melon. In the case of a large number of melons, spray 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 1% urea mixture to make fertilizer, and promote melon production.

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