Scientists discover drug candidates for triple-negative breast cancer

Scientists discover drug candidates for triple-negative breast cancer

January 8, 2019 Source: Xinhua Author: Zhou Zhou

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Scientists in the United States and China have recently discovered that a recombinant drug based on natural proteins in the body can simultaneously block the growth of breast cancer cells and spread to other organs, and is expected to be a drug candidate for the treatment of triple-negative breast cancer.

Triple-negative breast cancer refers to the three major therapeutic targets of estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2, which are negative in all breast cancers, accounting for 12% to 17% of all breast cancers. Poor prognosis, strong drug resistance, high recurrence rate and few treatments.

A study published in the American Journal of Cancer Cells on the 3rd showed that this recombinant drug based on Tinagl1 protein can significantly inhibit primary tumor growth and spontaneous metastasis in experimental mice.

Kang Yibin, a journalist and professor of molecular biology at Princeton University, said that the Tinagl1 recombinant protein blocks the epidermal growth factor receptor, a protein that promotes tumor development and metastasis; while the Tinagl1 recombinant protein also interferes with ligation-mediated mediation. The molecular signaling pathway of the integrin receptor "integrin" in cells and its external environment, the "integrin" molecule is responsible for regulating the process of transferring cells to new locations and transforming them into tumors. These two molecular pathways are interrelated and complement each other, leading to triple-negative breast cancer progression and resistance. The new drug can block two channels at the same time, achieving the effect of "one stone and two birds".

The Kang Yibin team and collaborators from institutions such as Fudan University analyzed more than 800 human tumor samples and found that Tinagl1-related gene expression is associated with poor tumor progression and poor survival, especially in patients with triple-negative breast cancer. They increased the expression of this gene in mouse tumor cells, and the results showed that cancer cell growth slowed down and the possibility of metastasis to the lungs decreased.

The researchers injected Tinagl1 into mice with breast tumors and found that this protein significantly inhibited primary tumor growth and spontaneous metastasis after 7 weeks, and no significant side effects were observed. In addition, the drug is still effective even after the tumor begins to metastasize.

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