Bleaching powder plays an important role in the prevention and treatment of fish diseases. It has the characteristics of low cost, convenient use and good use effect. The main component of bleaching powder calcium hypochlorite can form strong hypochlorous acid in the water, so the bacterial fish disease bleach has a good effect, with 1 g of bleach per cubic meter of the whole pool can effectively prevent bacteria Fish disease occurs.
1. White bark disease, also known as the onset of white tail disease, has a white tail and gradually expands forward. Treatment method: 1 g of bleaching powder per cubic meter of water (containing 30% of effective nitrogen, the same applies ).
2. The white-headed white-mouthed diseased fish, from the end of the snout to the section of the eyeball, fades or becomes milky white. Treatment: Use the above method once a day, sprinkling for two days.
3. Red skin fish inflammation, fins off. 1 Preventive measures: When fish species are stocked, immerse each cube of water with 5-10 grams of bleach for about half an hour. 2 Treatment: Oral administration of antibiotics, topical use of 1 g of bleach per cubic meter of water throughout the pool.
4. Hemorrhoids disease Fish skin and muscle tissue dorsal, abscess, edema. Control methods: Same as erythroderma.
5. Toxicosis, also known as print disease, occurs when a round erythema develops in the affected area of ​​the posterior trunk, and then the epidermis rots. Treatment: Use 1 g of bleach per cubic meter of water throughout the pool.
6. Scales disease scales open outwards and stand like a loose ball, so it is known as pine ball disease. 1 Preventive methods: Intimate spawning pools should be cleaned in the dry pool in the winter and disinfected with bleaching powder. 2 Treatment: Put 5 grams of copper sulfate, 2 grams of ferrous sulfate, and 10 grams of bleach in 1 cubic metre of water to soak the sick fish for about 10 minutes.
7. The rot disease is also known as "black head lice." Diseased fish often swim alone and move slowly. The body is black, especially when the head is dark. Treatment: In the early stage of disease, blemish can be hung around the food for prevention and treatment: When the disease is heavy, use 1 g of bleach per cubic meter of water to spray it all over the pool.
8. Intestinal enteritis is also called rotten intestinal fistula: The diseased fish's abdomen enlarges, presents with erythema, and the redness of the anus protrudes like a crater. Treatment: Internally available sulphonamides are used. External agents generally sprinkle 1 g of bleaching powder per cubic meter.
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