Belladonna preparation


1 Extract of belladonna extract (Extractum Belladonnae): 0.95%-1.05% of alkaloids in terms of lanthanum. Oral, 0.01-0 each time. 03g. On the 1st 0.03-0.09g, a maximum amount of 0.05g, on the 1st 0.15g. Tabbellae Belladonnae: Each tablet contains 10 mg of belladonna extract at the same dose as above.

2 Tabellae Belladonnae Com-positae: Each tablet contains 10mg of belladonna extract, 15mg of phenobarbital, orally, 1-2 tablets each time, 3 times a day.

3TinCtura Belladonnae: The alkaloids should be 0.028%-0.032% (g/ml) based on alkaloids. Oral, every time O. 3-lml, 3 times a day, a maximum of 1.5ml, 4.5ml on the 1st, and 0.03-0.06ml/y on the 1st.

4 Extract of Belladonnae Liquidum: Containing alkaloids should be 0.70%-O. 80% (g/ml). Oral, once 0.01-0.03ml, daily O. 03-0.1ml, a maximum of 0.06ml, 0.2ml daily.

5 Belladonnae (Stlppositorium): Each contains 0.15 ml of belladonna liquid extract. Anal suppository for hemorrhoids pain relief.

6 Unguentum Haemorrhoidis: See dermatology medicine.

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