Soybeans can infect soybean root rot during the whole growth period, causing seeds to rot before seedlings, seedlings falling after seedlings and plants withered to death. The newly unearthed soybean seedlings were infected with root rot. The initial symptoms were watery, soft, rotted, cotyledonary nodes, brown and brown. Cotyledons appear slightly dark brown on the cotyledons. Soybean true leaf flattened to anthesis, the disease occurred mainly in the first internode, and with the development process can be extended to the upper nodes, in the stem side or around the stem depression shrinkage, cut open stem County can be seen in the browning of the pulp . The leaves of the diseased plants are yellow and the petioles do not fall off. The plants with severe senescence die and die. The cultivars of the susceptible cultivars are light brown and drop-like in the stems, and they can be extended to the 10~11th position. The vascular bundle becomes brown and hollow. . The number of diseased pods was significantly reduced. There were more burrows and pods, and the pods were not full. The fibrous roots and roots of the roots had decayed, and the diseased plants were easily removed from the ground.
(1) Strengthen quarantine and use disease-free seeds.
(2) Use resistance varieties that are resistant to local species.
(3) Strengthen field management, deep plowing and cultivating soil in time; remove water in time to prevent moisture retention after rain.
(4) Because the fungus only infects soybeans, it should not be less than 4 years in the rotation of the diseased land.
(5) Chemical control: 50% Anke wettable powder, 25% metalaxyl wettable powder seed dressing according to 0.2% of the seed weight, after the onset of the field, 50% Anke WP 150 times, 25% Metalaxyl wettable powder 600 times spray control, spray 7 days, even spray 3 times.
Ganzhou Green days Biochemical Technology Co., Ltd. ,