Coated Wells | 96 holes | Enzyme Conjugate | 12ml |
10× specimen dilution (Sample Buffer) | 12ml | 20×Wash Buffer | 50ml |
Standards: 40ng / bottle | 2 bottles | Substrate working fluid (TMB Solution) | 12ml |
Primary antibody working solution (Biotinylated Antibody) | 12ml | Stop Solution | 12ml |
IOT Smart Ward Nursing System
Smart Ward Nursing System is an indispensable important part in hospital digitization construction, which not only provides the powerful communication among doctors, nurse and patients, but also creatively offers the new functions of voice reminding, information issuing, information collection, multimode connecting data and upload automatically with all testing device in the ward, information process and etc., stretched hospital information system (HIS) to wards. This system has truly achieved a leap of nursing quality besides the greatly decrease of work intensity of nursing staff.
Iot Smart Ward Nursing System,Ward Calling System,Wired Ward Calling System,Smart Wired Ward Calling System
Hunan Eter Medical Co., Ltd. ,