Careful management of livestock and poultry in early spring can reduce the strong stress caused by the cold weather and sudden changes in temperature to livestock and poultry. It can also improve the body's resistance and prevent the outbreak of many diseases in the spring. 1. Cold insulation. In early spring, the temperature is still low, so we must do a good job of keeping warm and cold. The temperature of livestock houses should generally be maintained at 16 °C ~ 24 °C. Young animals such as chicks and piglets have higher temperature requirements. There are two kinds of insulation methods: First, try to confine the rooms of livestock and poultry houses (to regularly change the air); Second, use coal stoves, electric heaters, ordinary incandescent bulbs and other heating equipment. 2. Adjust the feed. (1) Pay attention to the supplement of energy feed. There are mainly corn and oils to improve the cold resistance of livestock and poultry. Feeding energy feeds can also prevent colds and increase fastness of livestock and poultry. Can also add glucose in drinking water or mix in the feed 1% to 2% of vegetable oil, and increase the vitamin feeding, especially the amount of vitamin A, can reduce livestock's cold stress in the short term (2 ) Note the feed temperature. Too low a feed temperature will cause a sudden drop in the body temperature of livestock and poultry and consume a lot of heat energy. Therefore, you can add some hot water when feeding the wet material, to avoid excessive cold food damage the animal's gastrointestinal mucosa, leading to gastro-intestinal disease and other complications (3) no access to mildew feed. The use of silage should be used immediately. If the acidity is too high, 5% to 10% lime water can be used. Drinking water should be cleaned and preheated to about 15°C before drinking. 3. Maintain livestock houses. In early spring, we must also pay attention to the maintenance of livestock and poultry warming loops and overhaul the heating equipment to provide a good and comfortable environment for livestock and poultry. Keep warm and at the same time pay attention to the overhaul of ventilation equipment, do a good job of ventilation. 4 good sanitation. Disinfect the pen quarters with 0.5% strong disinfecting spirit spray or quicklime or lye, once a week; Sterilize used feeding trays, material buckets, drinking fountains, etc., at least 2 times a week, 0.01% of bacteria can be used Net or 100 poisoning or 0.05% strong disinfectant spirit brushing, ready to dry after use; with 0.01% of the bacteria poison net and 100 poison kill into the water, drinking for livestock and poultry, can achieve the purpose of drinking water disinfection. But pay attention to the implementation of drinking water disinfection, the drug concentration must be accurate, so as not to damage the animals or remain in the body or eggs. 5. Increase lighting. Let the sun and livestock have bactericidal, anti-rickets effect, can enhance immunity and resistance, promote sexual maturity, improve fecundity. At noon on sunny days, let the animals sunbathe on the playground for 2 to 3 hours. 6. Strengthen exercise. Breeding animals daily for 3 to 4 hours of outdoor activities can increase fertility. Cows do 1 to 2 hours of exercise every day to prevent digestive diseases and increase output. Rabbits should be put on the sports field 3 to 5 times a week for 1 to 2 hours each time. 7. Drug control. Early spring livestock and poultry respiratory diseases. Bacterial infection can be given by drinking water such as enrofloxacin. Viral respiratory diseases such as infectious bronchitis, infectious laryngotracheitis, etc., although antibiotics are not effective, but sometimes in order to prevent secondary bacterial infections, some antibiotics can be properly used in combination with antiviral drugs such as Banlangen, honeysuckle, etc. Vaccination can be used for emergency vaccination treatment. In addition, adding appropriate drugs and additives in feed or drinking water can increase the resistance of livestock and poultry and prevent many diseases. 8. Timely immunization. Poultry should be vaccinated against Marek’s disease, Newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis, infectious laryngotracheitis, bursa of Fabricius, and avian influenza according to immunization procedures. Livestock should pay attention to the prevention of foot-and-mouth disease. It is recommended that piglets should be immunized 10 days after weaning and boost immunity after 4 weeks. Cows' immunity from foot-and-mouth disease should also be timely, not first exempted, and the effect of prevention of disease should be good 15 days before the immunization period. 9. Do a good job in spring propagation. Pregnant animals should be carefully managed to prevent miscarriage. The kind of broiler is fed with a suitable amount of mixed concentrate consisting of corn, dried melon, bean cake, wheat bran, etc., or fed with 1 or 2 eggs. The fetus should be rescued in time. Two to three days after birth, the piglet should be supplemented with iron, and the neck should be injected with 100 milligrams of blood serum or blood treasure. It is also possible to dissolve 2 to 5 grams of ferrous sulfate and 1 gram of copper sulfate in 1000 milliliters of water. Sows in the nipple or piglet mouth.
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