Vegetables and insect pests in protected areas are frequent in the winter season, and the damage is generally severe. At this time, the outside world is cold and the humidity in the shed is relatively high, which is conducive to the occurrence of diseases. In particular, it often suffers from continuous overcast weather. The dense fog is diffused, causing the temperature and ground temperature in the greenhouse to be low, resulting in lack of temperature and light in the vegetables, and the physiological imbalance and resistance. We will introduce this disease and pest prediction and prevention methods to everyone.
1. Downy mildew. It mainly occurs on cucumbers, spinach, and oiled wheat. The trend is moderate to heavy. If it is cloudy for 7 consecutive days, the hazard will increase.
2. Gray mold. Cucumbers, tomatoes, leeks, eggplants, and peppers, the main vegetables grown over the winter, will develop gray mold. The trend is moderate to heavy, and if it encounters cloudy days, the fruit is infected with bacteria, and the damage will be increased.
3. Rhizome disease. Fusarium wilt, blight, stem rot, blight, and damping-off will occur moderately. Blight and damping-off occur during the nursery period. In the flowering period, the fruiting sheds are susceptible to blight, blight and stem rot. In the greenhouse where the soil is salinized, the fields with extensive management will be emphasized.
4. Powder meal. Including B. tabaci and B. tabaci, if the greenhouse is low in temperature and lack of sunshine, it will not be conducive to its reproduction and will occur less frequently.
5. Others. Due to the relatively high humidity in the shed, it is prone to occur in tea pods and pods. Prone to vegetables are tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, eggplant. After the harm to the vegetables, it shows lobule, which is easy to be confused with the virus disease. Therefore, the disease or pest should be correctly distinguished. The significant difference from the virus disease is that the leaves are deformed and hardened, the affected area becomes brown, and the serious vegetables have no growing point. According to monitoring, there are many overcast days, and during the time of the occurrence and spread of the tea plant, it should not be confused with the virus disease and delay the prevention and treatment.
Prevention advice:
1. Fitness training. Balanced fertilization, the old shed must control the amount of fertilizer. A certain amount of biological bacterial fertilizer, such as Nanguochun organic fertilizer and Heyang bacterial fertilizer, etc., is applied during the reform, and chitin fertilizers, such as triiodide chitin, are added. Organic manure must be fully decomposed, and pay attention to the ratio of chicken manure and cow dung should be appropriate, not only the cold manure of cattle manure, excessive use of cow dung will cause plants lack of effective nitrogen.
2. Improve the self immunity of vegetables. Foliar spraying with biological agents can increase the photosynthetic and stress resistance of crops. According to experiments and demonstrations of “Nonon Laugh†after spraying foliar, the plant's own immunity was activated and the immunity was greatly improved. Breeding and protecting vegetables at seedling stage, spraying once every 7 to 10 days, can enhance the photosynthesis of vegetables and improve the ability to resist low temperature and low light.
3. Prevent diseases. Prevention of disease can be used 27% high fat film 80 ~ 100 times or sweet and sour liquid (sugar: vinegar: water = 1:1:100) or 0.5% amino oligosaccharide water 500 times or 85% trichloro isocyanurate Acid-soluble liquid 3000 times spray, spray 7 to 10 days.
4. Early onset drug treatment. Biological agents of choice, especially in cloudy conditions. Downy mildew can be sprayed with 0.3% eugenol soluble liquid 1000 times spray. Botrytis cinerea was sprayed with 0.3% grey cream special soluble liquid 1000 times solution or Trickle 800 times solution or 3% polyoxygen water solution 600-900 times solution. Rhizome disease can be 1% ginsenosides 1000 times + Tianda 2116 Irrigation, or with a fungal net 1000 times + love more than 6000 times Irrigation root. Whitefly can be used Beauveria bassiana, Verticillium and other biological bacteria control. Astragalus membranaceus, Poria cocos with 1.8% avermectin EC 1500 times, acetylene oxime, plus green wind 95 500 times liquid, sprayed 5 days, once every 2 or 3 times. Pay attention to the spray stem, the tender part of the leaf and the back of the leaf.
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