Tomatoes, scientific name tomato. It is rich in various nutrients, but also has a beautiful and attractive appearance; it is not only a good taste in the food, but also a fruit in the United States, known as the fruits of magical dishes.
Tomatoes contain about 94% of water, used to relieve summer heat and thirst, compared with watermelon. The content of vitamin C in tomatoes is also very high, about ten times that of watermelon, and because of the protection of organic acids, the vitamin C contained in it is not easily damaged during storage and cooking, and the human body utilization rate is high. . Therefore, eating tomatoes often plays an important role in preventing scurvy, allergic purpura, colds, and promoting wound healing.
Dietary fiber contained in tomatoes helps detoxify the bowel and lose weight. Tomatoes are rich in dietary fiber. In the process of transporting these fibers to the large intestine, they absorb cholesterol, bile acids, fats, and other substances, and excrete them with the stools, thus playing a role in bowel detoxification and slimming beauty.
The sugar content of tomatoes is also high, ranging from 1.5% to 4.5%. Most of them are glucose and fructose that are easily absorbed directly by the body. Tomatoes are also rich in carotenoids and B vitamins, including the protection of blood vessels. Anti-hypertension has a certain role in the role of vitamins - rutin, its vitamin content than apples, pears, bananas, grapes, etc. to be 2-4 times higher; it also contains 0.6% of its total weight of various minerals Among them, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, iron followed; In addition, also contains manganese, copper, iodine and other important trace elements, particularly beneficial to the growth and development of infants and young children; tomatoes also contain a special component - tomato. It helps digestion and diuresis. Eating tomatoes is very beneficial to patients with kidney disease. Patients with high blood pressure and retinal hemorrhage can eat 1-2 fresh tomatoes every morning and can also exert blood pressure and hemostasis.
There are many ways to eat tomatoes. They can be washed and eaten as fruit. They can also be used to make various dishes. They can also be used to make soups. They can be cooked with other dishes and eggs, or they can be served separately. Sugar can be made sweet, salt can also be made into salty food, can also be processed into tomato sauce and tomato sauce, for cooking and eating. So, do the tomatoes eat or fry?
Nutritionists point out that “tomatoes are eaten raw†because vitamin C, which is rich in tomatoes, is decomposed by heat. Experiments have shown that if you cook at high temperatures for a long time, the vitamin C in vegetables will be lost 50%-70%; and that “tomatoes are cooked to eat well†is because the tomato lycopene and β-carotene are fat-soluble Nutrients must be dissolved during cooking and absorbed by the body. So, there is nothing wrong with both arguments. But any statement that emphasizes only one aspect is one-sided. It cannot be said that eating raw is better than cooking. On the contrary, it cannot be said that cooked food is the best.
Although tomatoes are rich in nutrients, good in color, suitable for both young and old, they should pay attention to the following issues when eating:
(1) Do not eat immature tomatoes. Immature tomatoes contain a large amount of toxic substances, "tomato base," which can cause poisoning, nausea, vomiting, runny nose and general fatigue, and serious life-threatening injuries. The content of this toxic substance gradually decreases with the maturity of the tomatoes, and when it matures, it basically disappears, and it is no longer toxic when eaten. (2) Boil with hot water before eating raw tomatoes to avoid bacterial infections. Parasite eggs; (3) Heat cooking should be performed as quickly as possible in order to avoid damage to vitamins.
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