Guangzhou plans to legislate to regulate "drainage oil." Recently, the Guangzhou Legal Office passed its official website to openly solicit opinions from the public on plans for the formulation of government regulations next year. According to its published draft project, the “Administrative Measures on Waste Edible Oils in Guangzhou†was listed as an official project, and the “Guangzhou Food Waste Management Measures†was a preliminary project. In addition, "elevator safety supervision" also appeared in the official project.
According to the announcement, Guangzhou plans to formulate 27 government regulations next year and amend or repeal 13 regulations. The Municipal Legislative Affairs Office publicized the government regulations and plans for public opinions. The public may submit opinions on the preliminary drafting of the legislative plan. They may also propose proposals for legislative projects separately and explain the reasons for legislation, necessity, and feasibility.
In the drafting plan currently being drafted, there are many hot issues concerning people's livelihood, especially food safety. For example, "Administrative Measures for Waste Edible Oils", "Supervisory Measures for Food Surpassing Shelf-life," etc. There are also some regulatory measures such as housing transactions, bus rental, elevator safety, housing security, urban appearance, food waste, food and beverage environmental pollution prevention, and residents' electronic health records. For those projects, if the public has any opinions or suggestions, they may report or submit them to the Municipal Legal Affairs Office before the 12th of this month.
According to the announcement, Guangzhou plans to formulate 27 government regulations next year and amend or repeal 13 regulations. The Municipal Legislative Affairs Office publicized the government regulations and plans for public opinions. The public may submit opinions on the preliminary drafting of the legislative plan. They may also propose proposals for legislative projects separately and explain the reasons for legislation, necessity, and feasibility.
In the drafting plan currently being drafted, there are many hot issues concerning people's livelihood, especially food safety. For example, "Administrative Measures for Waste Edible Oils", "Supervisory Measures for Food Surpassing Shelf-life," etc. There are also some regulatory measures such as housing transactions, bus rental, elevator safety, housing security, urban appearance, food waste, food and beverage environmental pollution prevention, and residents' electronic health records. For those projects, if the public has any opinions or suggestions, they may report or submit them to the Municipal Legal Affairs Office before the 12th of this month.
Royal Jelly is also called Bee Milk. The fresh royal jelly is slightly ropy milk paste substance; it is the excretive mixture of nutrition gland and maxilla gland of the head of little worker bee. The worker bees use this to feed the 1-3 days` worker bee larva and drone larva, 1-5.5 days` queen bee larva and queen bee in the oviposition period. The royal jelly is the biologic product containing very complicated active elements which contains almost all the nutrition elements required by the growth of the human body.
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