In 2007, Professor Xiao Yonghong and colleagues from the Ministry of Health made a survey and showed that China produces about 210,000 tons of antibiotic raw materials annually, exports about 30,000 tons, uses 180,000 tons domestically (including medical and agricultural use), and consumes per capita annually. About 138 grams - 10 times that of Americans. In the top 10 of all medicine consumption, cephradine and ceftriaxone accounted for half of the country.
According to statistics, China has an average of 8 bottles of water per person per year, which is much higher than the international level of 2.5-3.3 bottles. China has become a "big bottle carrier." Xiao Yonghong said that "water" is nothing more than sugar water, salt water, plus some drugs, and the increase in drugs is up to antibiotics. Foreign clinics basically do not use infusions. The Chinese have a misunderstanding that fever and cold are better, and it is best to go to the hospital to hang a bottle. In fact, the medicines that are eaten are not different from those that are imported into the body. Those who can infuse in the clinic can eat on their own, and certainly can take their own medicine, the same effect as oral and injection.
Regarding the extent of the abuse of antibiotics in China, Xiao Yonghong said that even if you go to the smallest clinic to see, as long as the patient comes, no matter what the disease, will use antibiotics. “Especially in basic hospitals, no matter what the patient comes, anyway, it is vitamins, hormones, and antibiotics plus a bottle of water. We often describe it as 'three prime one soup.'†Inpatients in China, the use of antibiotics The rate of 70% is twice that of Europe and the United States. Of these patients, almost everyone uses surgical antibiotics, which is as high as 97%. In fact, less than 20% of patients really need antibiotics.
In August, when the United States officials continued to trace the source of the Salmonella outbreak that caused dozens of infections in 26 states, the latest scientific discovery revealed that a very drug-resistant Super Salmonella named "Kentucky" would spread worldwide. In October last year, two children in Ningxia were detected with the superbug NDM-1, which is resistant to most antibacterial drugs.
"Super bacteria" threatens the world. On the World Health Day on April 7 this year, the first fair for rational drug use was held, which coincided with the theme of World Health Day - "Resistance to drug resistance: No action today, there will be no medicine available tomorrow." Xiao Yonghong said that no drug is not sensational and it has already appeared in actual clinical practice.
The scary aspect of superbugs is super-resistance, and no antibiotic drug can work on it. Xiao Yonghong said that it is resistant to all drugs and was first discovered abroad. It has also begun to appear in China. In recent years, super bacteria have basically existed in hospitals, and now China has found it in the community. Moreover, bacterial resistance genes will be transmitted among different bacteria. If their resistance genes are transmitted to highly pathogenic bacteria, such as Salmonella and Shigella, not only hospitalized patients, but normal people will also be seriously affected. Threatened.
In addition, it is an indisputable fact that there are many antibiotics in the environment. According to the customs inspection report, products that were rejected outside the customs due to residual antibiotics accounted for 20% of the exported products. “Even if it is an export product, it can detect 20% residue. It can be inferred that if it is not an export product, the figure is even higher.†Some countries suggest that it is better to take some measures in the research and development of antibiotics, such as the development of new drugs, encouraging Companies go for drugs that are treated with drug resistant infections rather than imitations. Some people even suggested that taxes should be imposed on antibacterial drugs. If an original new drug is used, the tax is borne by the user. If a generic drug is used, the tax is borne by the company and the company is prevented from copying too much. But this proposal currently only stays at the institutional research level.
DVR 5MP, also called the Digital Video Recorder DVR 5MP/ Digital Video Recorder 5MP/ DVR CCTV 5MP/ DVR 5MP 4CH/ 5MP HD DVR/ 5MP DVR Security System, means that this Digital Video Recorder has 5 million pixels.
So what does 5MP pixels stands for?
The letter "M" means million, and the letter "P" means pix, so 5MP means 5 megapixels. MP refers to MegaPixel.Some cameras only display 1M, 3M, 5M, etc.,. more specifically speaking, 5MP means that the camera is set at 5 million pixels to take photos. By analogy, 3MP is 3 million pixels, and 16MP is 16 million pixels.
So does the pixel mean?
The pixel refers to the smallest unit in an image represented by a sequence of numbers.
The pixel is composed of the small aquares of an image. These small squares have a clear position and assigned color value in this image, and the color and position of the small squares can determine what this image looks like. We can regard the pixel as the indivisible unit or element in the entire image. The pixel is indivisible, which means it can't be cut into smaller units or elements because it exists as a single color grid. Each bitmap image contains a certain amount of pixels, which can determine the size of the image on the screen.
The pixel for the camera actually means the maximum pixel. Pixel is the unit of resolution. This pixel value only refers to the maximum effective resolution the camera supports.
For example, the resolution of 0.3MP is 640×480, 0.5MP is 800×600, 0.8MP is 1024×768 5" (3.5×5 inches), 1.3MP is 1280×960 6" (4×6 inches), 2MP is 1600×1200 8" (6×8 inches) 5" (3.5×5 inches), 3.1MP is 2048×1536 10" (8×10 inches) 7" (5×7 inches), 4.3MP is 2400×1800 12" (10×12 inches) 8" (6×8 inches), 5MP is 2560×1920 12" (10×12 inches) 8" (6×8 inches), 6MP is 3000×2000 14" (11×14 inches) 10" (8×10 inches), 8MP is 3264×2488 16"(12×16 inches) 10" (8×10 inches), 11MP is 4080×2720 20" (16×20 inches) 12" (10×12 inches), 14MP is 4536×3024 24" (18×24 inches) 14" (11×14 inches), and all these are the approximate dimensions.
When we measure the picture size in pixels, we need to specify its fixed resolution first, then we can convert the picture size to the actual size. For example, the commonly used resolution of the pictures in the web page making is 72, that is, 72 pixels per inch, and 1 inch is equal to 2.54 cm. Then, through conversion, we can know that each cm is equal to 28 pixels; another example is a picture with the size of 15x15 cm, which is equal to 420*420 pixels.
DPI means ** dots per inch
LPI means ** lines per inch
PPI means **pixels per inch
In conclusion, we should pick up the most suitable pixels when we choose the security cameras and DVRs.
DVR 5MP, Digital Video Recorder 5MP, DVR CCTV 5MP, DVR 5MP 4CH, 5MP HD DVR, 5MP DVR Security System