At present, some peasant households have low breeding rates for bunnies, and sometimes the entire corpse has died. Although many measures have been taken, the effect is not obvious, which seriously dampens the confidence of rabbit farmers. To improve the survival rate of the young rabbits and ensure that the entire litter does not die, the author has to combine the practice of many experienced rabbit farmers to achieve the following ten points.
One is to strengthen the late management of pregnant rabbits. The survival rate of puppies and the growth rate after weaning are directly related to the growth and development of the fetus. The fetus has a good growth and development. After birth, it is essential to have a large body, good constitution, high survival rate, and rapid growth and development. More than 70% of the fetus's body weight is developed in the later stage of pregnancy. It is very important to strengthen the rearing and management of the pregnant female rabbit. It is necessary to provide enough feed, rich nutrition, strong palatability, crude protein content of more than 18%. High-quality rations allow them to feed freely to ensure the normal growth and development of the fetus. If you supply a small amount of feed, low protein content, lack of a certain kind of nutrients, it will affect the normal growth and development of the fetus.
The second is careful arrangements for antenatal preparation. To prepare for antenatal preparation, the following four points should be made. 1 According to the breeding records, put into the larvae box 2-3 days before delivery. The box is packed with hay and poultry hair, dried and sterilized before release, and let the female rabbits pull grass to make a nest. 2 To maintain a quiet living environment. It is forbidden to randomly capture before giving birth and refuse to visit to prevent dogs, cats and rats from entering the rabbit house to prevent sudden shock. 3 Prepare food. The female rabbits have a very quick delivery, usually about half an hour. After the delivery, the constitution is exhausted and the stomach space is in urgent need of food and drink. If food and beverages are not prepared, they will be forced to eat because of hunger and dehydration. Therefore, the drink is placed in the drinker on the eve of delivery. , Such as soy milk, porridge, etc., feed into the high-quality mixed feed, such as radish, sweet potatoes, etc., for their free intake. 4 Help the female rabbit to pull hairs. The individual female rabbits do not pull hair, but only graze the grass and need to manually assist in pulling their chest hairs gently into the nest to promote more lactation and protect the bunnies.
The third is to try to increase lactation capacity. After being born, the pups were naked and closed their eyes and ears closed, lacking the ability to regulate body temperature. In addition to eating milk, they slept 12 days ago. The growth and development of puppies were fast and the body weight increased exponentially. In order to ensure that the female rabbit nutrition, in addition to the supply of protein-, mineral-, vitamin-rich mixed concentrates every day, but also need to supply fresh green juicy feed and add herbs for prolactin, such as hay, dandelion, Vaccaria and so on.
The fourth is to ensure that the pups eat enough milk. Ensure that the young rabbits eat colostrum in time, and eating more milk to eat enough milk is the basis for raising the survival rate of the pups. For the female rabbits who do not have milk to feed, artificially forced breast-feeding is carried out by placing the female rabbits in the farrowing box so that the female rabbits can be breast-fed and then taken out after breast-feeding. After a few days of training, self-feeding can be performed.
For fostering too many babies to be fostered, the female rabbits are breast-feeding once and for all night. The strong puppies can eat milk every time, and the weak rabbits can't eat, and there will be uneven strength. However, due to her sensitive sense of smell, she can sniff out her own puppies. She not only does not nurse her, but also bites her to bite the puppies she has fostered. Therefore, when fostering, she needs to rub her urine on her foster rabbits. Can not smell is another nest of puppies.
The fifth is to completely prevent deadly diseases. Fatal diseases in pups are mainly yellow urine disease and amine poisoning sepsis. To prevent it completely and prevent it from becoming infected.
Yellow urine is a disease in which a puppies eat milk from a mastitis-infected female rabbit due to staphylococcal infection. In the early stages of the disease, acute enteritis was present, which led to the discharge of yellow-like urine-like fresh feces, contaminated the anus, and the hindquarters were wet and rancid. The rabbits were lethargic and the body was soft and thin. The disease duration was 3-4 days and the mortality rate was high.
The septic sepsis in pups is caused by stab wounds on the body surface of the rabbit or eating breast milk infected with mastitis. After the disease, inflammation occurs in many places such as the back, abdomen, chest, etc., showing miliary white pustules and high body lean death rate. Once the disease occurs, breastfeeding should be stopped immediately. If sepsis can occur, iodine tincture can be applied to the affected area, followed by a 0.1% streptomycin solution bath twice a day for 3 days.
Sixth is to prevent hanging milk from killing itself. "Climbing milk" means that too many puppies are too young to eat. When they are breastfeeding, the puppies will not rest on their nipples. Under normal circumstances, the female rabbit breast-feeding out of the nest at the end of 3-4 minutes, and when the sudden breast-feeding when the breast-feeding or suffering from breast pain caused by sucking rabbits immediately jump out of the farrowing box, will be close to the nipples of the pups Take out of the box and cause freezing.
Seventh, do a good job of avoiding cold and heat to ensure proper temperature. Although the external temperature required for puppies is higher than that of rabbits, it may cause heat stroke if it is higher than 35 degrees, and it may cause freezing when it is lower than 16 degrees. Therefore, the cold and summer is the first time for puppies before 12 days of age. Important work. In the cold season, the farrowing box has higher insulation performance. To choose good insulation properties, hygroscopicity materials do mat grass. The bottom of the box is filled with plastic foam, and the sterilized poultry feathers, rabbit hair, and soft weeds are included. After separation, the mother is removed and the young rabbit is moved to the greenhouse for manual feeding at regular intervals. In heat-producing weather, cool-down measures should be taken. There must be shade equipment outside the entire rabbit house, and doors and windows should always be open and ventilated.
Eighth, it is necessary to prevent accidental casualties. There are many causes of accidental casualties in the production process, such as being stuck on the hind legs or the neck of the pedals, being squeezed and stamped by other puppies and female rabbits. The doors, windows and grass racks are not strong, and the puppies are squeezed and drilled. I was hurt by the outside. Poor management, strong sense of responsibility, will be placed in the wrong rabbit cage bitten by the mother rabbit, etc., but also bitten by rats, etc., and even the entire nest was taken away. Therefore, all measures must be taken to prevent accidental casualties.
Nine is to ensure early feed development. As the young rabbits increase their food intake as they age, the supply of breast milk falls short of demand, and it is necessary to increase feeding. Under normal circumstances, puppies did not start feeding until 17-18 days of age. They began to eat very little, and only eat soft leaves, leaves, etc., which are easy to chew the digested feed and gradually increase. Need to provide nutritious, palatable, easy to digest, high protein content of more than 20% protein, crude fiber content of less than 10%, and need to add the right amount of yeast powder, auxin, vitamins and charcoal powder, fried sorghum noodles, soil Etc. Can guarantee normal growth and development, but also to prevent diarrhea, coccidia, Pasteurella, gastroenteritis and other diseases.
Tenthly, we must wean the baby at a proper time. The normal weaning time in puppies ranged from 28 days to 42 days.
There are two methods for weaning: One-time weaning is performed in a uniform and uniform growth of the pups, and the female rabbits are lean and weak in the absence of milk. One-time weaning is used, ie the mother rabbits are all separated and no longer in the same litter. The other is weaning in batches in batches. The female rabbits are physically robust, with more milk in the breasts and more young puppies. The size of the rabbits can be divided into batches and weaning methods, ie, individual strong and powerful puppies weaned first. , leaving thin and weak people to continue breastfeeding for a few days, if the mother is still more after the separation of the mother's milk, in order to prevent the occurrence of female rabbit mastitis, regular and then feed the weak little rabbit a few days.
Weaning is an important juncture for puppies. After weaning, we rely on fodder to provide nutrition, and we have low resistance to the external environment and diseases. If we do not strengthen feeding and management, the earlier weaning, the higher the mortality rate, so in addition to under special circumstances must Weaning was performed once before 28 days of age, while other females were weaned earlier or later. In order to prevent the occurrence of mastitis in female rabbits, we can reduce the supply of concentrates and succulent feed on the eve of weaning, control drinking water, and provide more high-quality dry materials.
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