(1) Prepare the following preparations before picking seedlings:
The nursery room should be thoroughly cleaned; the ultraviolet egg collection equipment, hatchery equipment, and nursery ponds must all be routinely disinfected with potassium permanganate; benthic diatoms have been completely dark brown; the filtration system, pump system, and heating system should be All functions are checked once; hatching tanks, filter drums, and siphon tubes are all routinely sterilized with sodium hypochlorite and then washed with UV-filtered filtered seawater; ready for microscopes, beakers, pipettes, counters, blood plate counters, Flashlights and other ready-to-use equipment.
(2) When collecting seedlings, the water quality should be strictly required: when artificially growing abalone, the water quality requirement is very strict, and the water for seedling collection must be precipitated by darkness for 12 hours, and then it can be used after being filtered twice.
The indicator of seawater is:
Salinity: 31-33 ‰, specific gravity: 1.024-1.028; PH: 7.9-8.3; dissolved oxygen: 7-8 mg/l; ammonia: 50 mg/l or less; copper ion: less than 1 ppb; zinc ion: 50 ppb or less; Lead ion: 10ppb or less; Arsenic ion: less than 1ppb; Water temperature: 20-23°C; Water quality: Two sand filters, pure and clear.
The nursery room should be thoroughly cleaned; the ultraviolet egg collection equipment, hatchery equipment, and nursery ponds must all be routinely disinfected with potassium permanganate; benthic diatoms have been completely dark brown; the filtration system, pump system, and heating system should be All functions are checked once; hatching tanks, filter drums, and siphon tubes are all routinely sterilized with sodium hypochlorite and then washed with UV-filtered filtered seawater; ready for microscopes, beakers, pipettes, counters, blood plate counters, Flashlights and other ready-to-use equipment.
(2) When collecting seedlings, the water quality should be strictly required: when artificially growing abalone, the water quality requirement is very strict, and the water for seedling collection must be precipitated by darkness for 12 hours, and then it can be used after being filtered twice.
The indicator of seawater is:
Salinity: 31-33 ‰, specific gravity: 1.024-1.028; PH: 7.9-8.3; dissolved oxygen: 7-8 mg/l; ammonia: 50 mg/l or less; copper ion: less than 1 ppb; zinc ion: 50 ppb or less; Lead ion: 10ppb or less; Arsenic ion: less than 1ppb; Water temperature: 20-23°C; Water quality: Two sand filters, pure and clear.