Goose farms with a certain scale can generally be divided into pre-market areas (including administrative and technical offices, feed processing and material warehouses, garages, sundries warehouses, changing clothes disinfection and bathing rooms, power distribution rooms, water towers, staff quarters, canteens, etc.) , Production areas (various geese) and isolation areas (including diseases, dead goose isolation, necropsy, laboratory, treatment and other premises and facilities, sewage treatment and storage facilities, etc.). In site planning, the main consideration is the hygiene and epidemic prevention and production process requirements for the geese, based on site topography and the local annual main wind direction (which can be known to the local meteorological department).
The living quarters in the pre-community area should be in the upper hand of the court and the terrain with higher ground, followed by the production technology management area. The production areas are located in the downwind and lower areas of these areas, but should be higher than the isolation area, and in the wind direction. It should be noted that regardless of the arrangement of the three major regions in the goose farm or the configuration of various goose houses in the production area, it is relatively easy to deal with the site topography and the local main wind direction, but this situation is rare, often The situation where the terrain is high is the downwind situation. At this time, two “safety angles†on the diagonal line perpendicular to the main wind direction can be used to place buildings with higher requirements for epidemic prevention. For example, when the main wind direction is northwest and the terrain is high from south to north, the southeast and northwest corners of the site are all safe angles. It can also be based on the wind direction, and it is not suitable for the direction of the water flow caused by the terrain. Ditches can be used to change the direction of the flow and avoid contaminating the goose house.
1. Pre-field area The pre-field area is the site for the management and external contact of the goose farm. It should be located in a convenient location for contact with the outside world. There should be a vehicle disinfection tank in front of the goose farm gate, and a disinfection dressing room should be provided on one side or both sides. Some goose farms have their own feed processing plants or goose product processing companies. If these enterprises are large in scale, they should independently form a production area under the condition of ensuring the convenience of contact with the field. In general circumstances can be set in the pre-field area, but need to self-contained units. It should not be located in the production area of ​​the goose farm.
The supply and marketing of the goose farm is very frequent with the society, and can easily cause the spread of disease. Therefore, the off-site transportation should be strictly separated from the on-site transportation. Vehicles responsible for off-site transportation (including horses) are strictly prohibited from entering the production area, and their carports and garages should also be located in the pre-field area. Outsiders can only operate in the pre-field area and must not enter the production area.
2. The production area of ​​the production area is the core of the goose farm. Therefore, a comprehensive and meticulous study should be given to the planning and layout of production areas. If a “small and complete†self-contained integrated goose farm is used, the design scheme is that each goose of various ages or a variety of commodity performances will form a separate field, and there will be a certain distance between the breaks, and the forest can also be formed. The separation zone shall be implemented in all branches and all exits, otherwise it will bring difficulties in epidemic prevention. With the development of the modernization and factory-based goose industry, the goose farm that only has a certain kind of commercial performance has become a trend. The goose farms in a professional goose farm have only a single geese group. There is only one kind of goose house. The management is relatively simple, the technical requirements are relatively uniform, and the production process is also easy to implement mechanization. In this case, the problem of zoning and layout of goose farms is relatively simple.
Regardless of the professional or integrated goose farm, in order to ensure the safety of epidemic prevention, the layout of the goose house should be configured in the following order according to the direction of the main wind: the hatchery room, the young house, the middle house, the reserve goose house, and the adult The goose house, ie the hatchery room, is upwind, and the adult goose house is downwind. This will allow the young house to get fresh air, reduce the incidence of disease, but also to avoid the spread of the disease caused by the contaminated air discharged from the adult geese.
The hatchery has more connection with the off-site. It should be built near the entrance to the front area. The best large-scale goose farm is best equipped with a hatchery. It should be set at the entrance of the goose farm dedicated road. It should not be arranged at the depth of the site area. Small goose farms should also set up walls or isolate green belts around the hatchery.
There should be a certain distance between the brooding area (or breakout) and the adult goose breeding area. When conditions are available, it is better to set up separate breakouts to raise youngsters to prevent cross-infection. When two or more gosling geese have the same function and the equipment is the same, they can be cultivated in the same area so that the whole geese can be put in and out.
The breeding geese and commercial geese in a comprehensive goose farm should be zoned for breeding. Goose breeding areas should be placed on the best position for epidemic prevention. The brooding breeding houses in each area are better than those of adult geese, and the brooding bred geese The spacing between the geese and adult geese should be greater than the distance between the geese in this group, and barriers such as ditch, canal, wall, or green belt should be set to ensure the safety of brooding geese.
The storage and supply of feed is an important part of production for each goose farm, and the related structures are an important part of the production area (herein referred to as the feed storage structure located next to each goose house). The position must be determined at the same time taking into consideration the fact that the feed is transported into and out of the off-site and then distributed and sent to the goose house. This requires that the feed can be easily transported from the off-site and the outside vehicle does not need to enter the production directly. In the area, it is also required to maintain the shortest and most convenient connection between the structure and the geese. In addition, feed-related structures should, in principle, be located at a high ground in order to ensure the safety of epidemic prevention.
In short, when the goose farm is planned, the two major factors of hygiene and epidemic prevention and the process flow are mainly considered. The complex goose farms or some old goose farms have complex geese. New and old geese can easily cause cross-infections. Therefore, it is possible to divide or divide the geese in the production areas according to the existing conditions, and to bring them closer to the age. The same group of geese with the same product performance is arranged in the same district so as to implement the entire district or the whole piece of the whole in and out. The feeding and management personnel, transportation vehicles, equipment, and tools used in each district should be strictly controlled to prevent mutual skewing. It is not only convenient for each cell to be connected, but also the conditions for epidemic prevention. Where conditions permit, various communities within a comprehensive goose farm can increase the distance and form various professional breakouts to facilitate control of the disease. Professional goose farms (such as geese farms, meat geese farms, bred bred geese farms) due to a single task, there are few types of geese, easy to do a good job of health and epidemic prevention, the general layout of the problems encountered less, arrange the layout It is also relatively simple. As long as the zoning plan can be done well in accordance with the requirements of sanitation and epidemic prevention and improving labor productivity as much as possible.
3. Segregation zone Segregation zone is the place where goose farm goose, feces and other contaminants are concentrated, and it is the focus of hygiene and epidemic prevention and environmental protection work. The area should be set at the lower wind direction and the lowest position of the whole site, and it must be located in the other two areas. The bathroom should not be less than 50 meters away. The establishment of a stockpile site should take into account that geese can be easily transported out of the goose house and should be easily transported to the field. The sick goose isolation house should be isolated from the outside world as much as possible, and there should be natural or artificial isolation barriers (such as boundary trenches, fences, fences or dense mixed forests of shrubs and bushes) around it, with separate access and entrances. Diseased Goose Isolation and treatment of dead geese corpses or crematorium facilities should be 300 to 500 meters away from the geese, and the separation of the latter should be more stringent.
The living quarters in the pre-community area should be in the upper hand of the court and the terrain with higher ground, followed by the production technology management area. The production areas are located in the downwind and lower areas of these areas, but should be higher than the isolation area, and in the wind direction. It should be noted that regardless of the arrangement of the three major regions in the goose farm or the configuration of various goose houses in the production area, it is relatively easy to deal with the site topography and the local main wind direction, but this situation is rare, often The situation where the terrain is high is the downwind situation. At this time, two “safety angles†on the diagonal line perpendicular to the main wind direction can be used to place buildings with higher requirements for epidemic prevention. For example, when the main wind direction is northwest and the terrain is high from south to north, the southeast and northwest corners of the site are all safe angles. It can also be based on the wind direction, and it is not suitable for the direction of the water flow caused by the terrain. Ditches can be used to change the direction of the flow and avoid contaminating the goose house.
1. Pre-field area The pre-field area is the site for the management and external contact of the goose farm. It should be located in a convenient location for contact with the outside world. There should be a vehicle disinfection tank in front of the goose farm gate, and a disinfection dressing room should be provided on one side or both sides. Some goose farms have their own feed processing plants or goose product processing companies. If these enterprises are large in scale, they should independently form a production area under the condition of ensuring the convenience of contact with the field. In general circumstances can be set in the pre-field area, but need to self-contained units. It should not be located in the production area of ​​the goose farm.
The supply and marketing of the goose farm is very frequent with the society, and can easily cause the spread of disease. Therefore, the off-site transportation should be strictly separated from the on-site transportation. Vehicles responsible for off-site transportation (including horses) are strictly prohibited from entering the production area, and their carports and garages should also be located in the pre-field area. Outsiders can only operate in the pre-field area and must not enter the production area.
2. The production area of ​​the production area is the core of the goose farm. Therefore, a comprehensive and meticulous study should be given to the planning and layout of production areas. If a “small and complete†self-contained integrated goose farm is used, the design scheme is that each goose of various ages or a variety of commodity performances will form a separate field, and there will be a certain distance between the breaks, and the forest can also be formed. The separation zone shall be implemented in all branches and all exits, otherwise it will bring difficulties in epidemic prevention. With the development of the modernization and factory-based goose industry, the goose farm that only has a certain kind of commercial performance has become a trend. The goose farms in a professional goose farm have only a single geese group. There is only one kind of goose house. The management is relatively simple, the technical requirements are relatively uniform, and the production process is also easy to implement mechanization. In this case, the problem of zoning and layout of goose farms is relatively simple.
Regardless of the professional or integrated goose farm, in order to ensure the safety of epidemic prevention, the layout of the goose house should be configured in the following order according to the direction of the main wind: the hatchery room, the young house, the middle house, the reserve goose house, and the adult The goose house, ie the hatchery room, is upwind, and the adult goose house is downwind. This will allow the young house to get fresh air, reduce the incidence of disease, but also to avoid the spread of the disease caused by the contaminated air discharged from the adult geese.
The hatchery has more connection with the off-site. It should be built near the entrance to the front area. The best large-scale goose farm is best equipped with a hatchery. It should be set at the entrance of the goose farm dedicated road. It should not be arranged at the depth of the site area. Small goose farms should also set up walls or isolate green belts around the hatchery.
There should be a certain distance between the brooding area (or breakout) and the adult goose breeding area. When conditions are available, it is better to set up separate breakouts to raise youngsters to prevent cross-infection. When two or more gosling geese have the same function and the equipment is the same, they can be cultivated in the same area so that the whole geese can be put in and out.
The breeding geese and commercial geese in a comprehensive goose farm should be zoned for breeding. Goose breeding areas should be placed on the best position for epidemic prevention. The brooding breeding houses in each area are better than those of adult geese, and the brooding bred geese The spacing between the geese and adult geese should be greater than the distance between the geese in this group, and barriers such as ditch, canal, wall, or green belt should be set to ensure the safety of brooding geese.
The storage and supply of feed is an important part of production for each goose farm, and the related structures are an important part of the production area (herein referred to as the feed storage structure located next to each goose house). The position must be determined at the same time taking into consideration the fact that the feed is transported into and out of the off-site and then distributed and sent to the goose house. This requires that the feed can be easily transported from the off-site and the outside vehicle does not need to enter the production directly. In the area, it is also required to maintain the shortest and most convenient connection between the structure and the geese. In addition, feed-related structures should, in principle, be located at a high ground in order to ensure the safety of epidemic prevention.
In short, when the goose farm is planned, the two major factors of hygiene and epidemic prevention and the process flow are mainly considered. The complex goose farms or some old goose farms have complex geese. New and old geese can easily cause cross-infections. Therefore, it is possible to divide or divide the geese in the production areas according to the existing conditions, and to bring them closer to the age. The same group of geese with the same product performance is arranged in the same district so as to implement the entire district or the whole piece of the whole in and out. The feeding and management personnel, transportation vehicles, equipment, and tools used in each district should be strictly controlled to prevent mutual skewing. It is not only convenient for each cell to be connected, but also the conditions for epidemic prevention. Where conditions permit, various communities within a comprehensive goose farm can increase the distance and form various professional breakouts to facilitate control of the disease. Professional goose farms (such as geese farms, meat geese farms, bred bred geese farms) due to a single task, there are few types of geese, easy to do a good job of health and epidemic prevention, the general layout of the problems encountered less, arrange the layout It is also relatively simple. As long as the zoning plan can be done well in accordance with the requirements of sanitation and epidemic prevention and improving labor productivity as much as possible.
3. Segregation zone Segregation zone is the place where goose farm goose, feces and other contaminants are concentrated, and it is the focus of hygiene and epidemic prevention and environmental protection work. The area should be set at the lower wind direction and the lowest position of the whole site, and it must be located in the other two areas. The bathroom should not be less than 50 meters away. The establishment of a stockpile site should take into account that geese can be easily transported out of the goose house and should be easily transported to the field. The sick goose isolation house should be isolated from the outside world as much as possible, and there should be natural or artificial isolation barriers (such as boundary trenches, fences, fences or dense mixed forests of shrubs and bushes) around it, with separate access and entrances. Diseased Goose Isolation and treatment of dead geese corpses or crematorium facilities should be 300 to 500 meters away from the geese, and the separation of the latter should be more stringent.
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